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Friday, February 7, 2025

Trump Lawyer Resigns One Day Before Trial To Begin

Joseph Tacopina has filed with the courts that he will not represent Donald J. Trump. The E. Jean Carroll civil case is schedule to begin Tuesday January 16,...

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Issues Order RE Postponement

On May 9, 2023, a jury found Donald J. Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation. The jury awarded Ms. Carroll $5 million in damages. Seven months ago,...

ASUS Announces 2023 Vivobook Classic Series

On April 7, 2023, ASUS introduced five new models in the 2023 Vivobook Classic series of laptops. The top laptops in the series use the 13th Gen Intel® Core™...

2010 Articles

Bland, J., Tiffany-Morales, J., Shields, P., Woodworth, K., Campbell, A., Sherer, D., & Rodezno, S. (2010). California’s teaching force 2010: Key issues and trends. Santa Cruz, CA: The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning.

Corbell, K. A., Osborne, J., & Reima, A. J. (2010). Supporting and retaining beginning teachers: a validity study of the Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers. Educational Research and Evaluation, 16(1), 75-96.

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA analysis) of an instrument entitled Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers (PSI-BT). This is a mainly a 6-point Likert scale measuring Mentor Support, Colleague Support, Administration Support, Classroom Management, Student Success, Instructional Resources, Assignment and Workload, and Parental Contacts.

Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Recruiting and retaining teachers: turning around the race to the bottom in high-need schools. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 4(1), 16-32.

Gardner, R. D. (2010). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Factors that Influence the Retention, Turnover, and Attrition of K–12 Music Teachers in the United States. Arts Education Policy Review, 111(3), 112-121.

Gilles, C., Wilson, J., & Elias, M. (2010). Sustaining teachers’ growth and renewal through action research, induction programs, and collaboration. Teacher Education Quarterly 37(1), 3.

Ingersoll, R. M., & May, H. (2010). The magnitude, destinations and determinants of mathematics and science teacher turnover. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Consortium for Policy Research in Education. Retrieved January 29, 2011, from http://www.gse.upenn.edu/pdf/rmi/MathSciTeacherTurnover.pdf

Ingersoll, R. M., & Perda, D. (2010a). Is the supply of mathematics and science teachers sufficient? American Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 563-594.

Ingersoll, R. M., & Perda, D. (2010b). How high is teacher turnover and is it a problem? Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Consortium for Policy Research in Education.

Keigher, A., & Cross, F. (2010). Teacher Attrition and Mobility: Results from the 2008-09 Teacher Follow-up Survey. Retrieved January 29, 2011, from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2010/2010353.pdf

Of the 3,380,300 public school teachers who were teaching during the 2007-08 school year, 84.5 percent remained at the same school (“stayers”), 7.6 percent moved to a different school (“movers”), and 8.0 percent left the profession (“leavers”) during the following year.

Murnane, R. J., & Willett, J. B. (2010). Methods Matter: Improving Causal Inference in Educational and Social Science Research.

National Center for Educational Statistics. (2010). Beginning teacher longitudinal study. Retrieved May 26, 2012, from http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/btls/

Pirkle, S. F. (2010, Fall). Stemming the tide: Retaining and supporting science teachers. Science Educator, 20(2), 42-46.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). Digest of Education Statistics, 2009 (NCES 2010-013).

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