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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trump Lawyer Resigns One Day Before Trial To Begin

Joseph Tacopina has filed with the courts that he will not represent Donald J. Trump. The E. Jean Carroll civil case is schedule to begin Tuesday January 16,...

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Issues Order RE Postponement

On May 9, 2023, a jury found Donald J. Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation. The jury awarded Ms. Carroll $5 million in damages. Seven months ago,...

ASUS Announces 2023 Vivobook Classic Series

On April 7, 2023, ASUS introduced five new models in the 2023 Vivobook Classic series of laptops. The top laptops in the series use the 13th Gen Intel® Core™...

2003 Articles

ARRP. (2003). Exodus: A study of teacher retention in America. Retrieved December 14, 2005, from http://www.aarp.org/research/family/education/aresearch-import-479.html

Billingsley, B. S. (2003). Special education teacher retention and attrition: A critical analysis of the literature (COPSSE Document No. RS-2). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Center on Personnel Studies in Special Education. Retrieved January 30, 2011, from http://www.coe.ufl.edu/copsse/docs/RS-2/1/RS-2.pdf

Cox, J., Lengel, T., & Slack, D. (2003). Attracting & retaining the best. Independent School, 63(1), 22-30.

Darling-Hammond, L. (2003). Keeping good teachers. Educational Leadership, 60(8), 6-13.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Sykes, G. (2003, September 17). Wanted: A national teacher supply policy for education: The right way to meet the “Highly Qualified Teacher” challenge. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 11(33). Retrieved June 11, 2006, http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v11n33/

Dolton, P., & Newson, D. (2003). The relationship between teacher turnover and school performance. London Review of Education, 1(2), 132. Retrieved January 28, 2006, from EBSCOhost database.

Ferris-Fearnside, K. (2003). [Review of the book Professional communities and the work of high school teaching]. History Teacher, 36(3), 419-420.

Fowler, R. C. (2003). The Massachusetts signing bonus program for new teachers: A model worth copying? Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 11(13).

Hancock, C. B. (2003). An examination of preservice teaching intensity in relation to in-service teacher retention and attrition. Journal of Research in Music Education, 51(2), 166.

Houkes, I., Janssen, P. P. M., de Jonge, J., & Bakker, A. B. (2003). Specific determinants of intrinsic work motivation, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention: A multisample longitudinal study. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 76(4), 427-450. Retrieved January 28, 2006, from EBSCOhost database.

Howard, T. C. (2003). Who receives the short end of the shortage? Implications of the U.S. teacher shortage on urban schools. Journal of Curriculum & Supervision, 18(2), 142-160.

Ingersoll, R. M. (2003). Is there a shortage among mathematics and science teachers? Science Educator, 12(1), 1-9.

Iverson, R. D., & Currivan, D. B. (2003). Union participation, job satisfaction, and employee turnover: An event-history analysis of the exit-voice hypothesis. Industrial Relations, 42(1), 101-105.

Johnson, S. M., & Birkeland, S. E. (2003, Fall). Pursuing a “sense of success”: New teachers explain their career decisions. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3), 581-617.

Justice, M., Greiner, C., & Anderson, S. (2003). Determining the influences of traditional Texas teachers vs. teachers in the emergency teaching certification program. Education, 124(2), 376-389.

Keller, B. (2003). Question of teacher turnover sparks research interest. Education Week, 22(33), 8.

Lucas, T., & Robinson, J. (2003, July). Reaching them early: Identifying and supporting prospective teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 29(2), 159-175.

McConney, A., Ayres, R., Hansen, J. B., & Cuthbertson, L. (2003). Quest for quality: Recruitment, retention, professional development, and performance evaluation of teachers and principals in Baltimore City’s public schools.Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 8(1), 87-116.

Marvin, C., LaCost, B., Grady, M., & Mooney, P. (2003, Winter). Administrative support and challenges in Nebraska public school early childhood programs: Preliminary study. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 23(4), 217-228.

Minarik, M. M., Thornton, B., & Perreault, G. (2003). Systems thinking can improve teacher retention. Clearing House, 76(5), 230-234.

National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. (2003). No dream denied: A pledge to America’s children summary report. Washington, D.C.: Author.

From the National Center for Education Statistics, a third of the teachers leave during their first three years; almost half may leave during the first five years. Anywhere from 20 percent to 25 percent may return.

“Turnover rate for teachers in high poverty areas is almost a third higher than it is for all teachers in all schools.”

Page 24, table 2, trends in teacher employment and turnover 1987-2000. Total departures was 539,778 individuals.

NG, J. C. (2003). Teacher shortages in urban schools: The role of traditional and alternative certification routes in filling the voids. Education and Urban Society, 35(4), 380-398.

Patterson, N. C., Roehrig, G. H., & Luff, J. A. (2003). Running the treadmill: Explorations of beginning high school science teacher turnover in Arizona. High School Journal, 86(4).

Quartz, K. H., & The TEP Research Group. (2003, March). “Too angry to leave”: Supporting new teachers’ commitment to transform urban schools. Journal of Teacher Education, 54(2), 99-111.

Sargent, B. (2003, May). Finding good teachers and keeping them. Educational Leadership, 60(8), 44-47.

Spoehr, L. (2003). Where do principals come from? Journal of Education, 184(1), 57-68.

Tillman, L. C. (2003). Mentoring, reflection, and reciprocal journaling. Theory into Practice, 42(3), 226-233.

Webber, L. (2003). Teachers, quit. Paths of Learning, 17, 32-33

Wilkins, R. (2003). The importance of teacher retention. Educational Journal, 70, 10.

Yoon, J. S., & Gilchrist, J. (2003). Elementary teachers’ perceptions of “administrative support” in working with disruptive and aggressive students. Education, 123(3), 217-228.


McMamus & Kauffman (1991) lack of administrative support is linked teacher stress and low commitment to profession. According to Singh and Billingsley (1998), administrators should be sensitive to the needs of teachers and assist teachers. Inconsistent findings may be due to teachers’ different perceptions of administrative support.


(1) examines elementary teachers’ perceptions of administrative support in relationship to disruptive and aggressive students and (2) explore roles of administrators.


A questionnaire sent to elementary teachers, 36% returned the survey. 26 teachers surveys had missing data and excluded. 93% were Caucasian; 62% held master’s degree. The survey used open-ended questions.


60% of the teachers prefer administrators have direct involvement in disruptive student discipline.


Teachers with high stress and low self-efficacy may refer students to administrators more often to remove the students from the class.

McManus, M. E., & Kauffman, J. M. (1991). Working conditions of teachers and students with behavioral disorders: A national survey. Behavioral Disorders, 16, 247-259.