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Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump Lawyer Resigns One Day Before Trial To Begin

Joseph Tacopina has filed with the courts that he will not represent Donald J. Trump. The E. Jean Carroll civil case is schedule to begin Tuesday January 16,...

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Issues Order RE Postponement

On May 9, 2023, a jury found Donald J. Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation. The jury awarded Ms. Carroll $5 million in damages. Seven months ago,...

ASUS Announces 2023 Vivobook Classic Series

On April 7, 2023, ASUS introduced five new models in the 2023 Vivobook Classic series of laptops. The top laptops in the series use the 13th Gen Intel® Core™...

1990s Articles

Abel, M. H., & Sewell, J. (1999). Stress and burnout in rural and urban secondary school teachers. The Journal of Educational Research, 92(5), 287-293.

Adams, G. J. (1996). Using a Cox regression model to examine voluntary teacher turnover. Journal of Experimental Education, 64(3), 267-285.

Adams, G. J., & Dial, M. (1993, November). Teacher survival: A Cox regression model. Education and Urban Society, 26(1), 90-99.

Adams, G. J., & Dial, M. (1994). The effects of education on teacher retention. Education, 114(3), 358-363.

Archer, J. (1999, March 17). New teachers abandon field at high rate. Education Week, 18(27), 1-5.

Arnold, C.L., Choy, S.P., & Bobbitt, S.A. (1993). Modeling Teacher Supply and Demand, with Commentary. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.

Baker, D. P., & Smith, T. (1997). Trend 2: Teacher turnover and teacher quality: Refocusing the issue. Teachers College Record, 99(1), 29-35.

Ballou, D., & Podgursky, M. (1998). Teacher recruitment and retention in public and private schools. Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, (1998), 17(3), 393-417.

Billingsley, B. S. (1993). Teacher retention and attrition in special and general education: A critical review of the literature. The Journal of Special Education, 27(2), 137-174.

Billingsley B. S., & Cross, L. H. (1992). Predictors of commitment, job satisfaction, and intent to stay in teaching: A comparison of general and special educators. Journal of Special Education, 25(4), 453.

Boe, E. E., Bobbitt, S. A., & Cook, L. H. (1997). Whither didst thou go? Retention, reassignment, migration, and attrition of special and general education teachers from a national perspective. The Journal of Special Education, 30(4), 371-389.

Boe, E. E., Bobbitt, S. A., Cook, L. H., Whitener, S. D., & Weber, A. L. (1997). Why didst thou go? Predictors of retention, transfer, and attrition of special and general education teachers from a national perspective. The Journal of Special Education, 30(4), 390-411.

Brewer, D. J. (1996, April). Career paths and quit decisions: Evidence from teaching. Journal of Labor Economics, 14(2), 313-339.

Brownell, M. T., Smith, S. W., & McNellis, J. R. (1997). Reflections on “attrition in special education Why teachers leave the classroom and where they go” Exceptionality, 7(3), 187-191.

Brownell, M. T., Smith, S. W., McNellis, J. R., & Miller, M. D. (1997). Attrition in special education: Why teachers leave the classroom and where they go. Exceptionality, 7(3), 143-155.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Berry, B.  (1999).  Recruiting Teachers for the 21st Century: The Foundation for Educational Equity. The Journal of Negro Education, 68(3), 254-279.

Dinham, S., & Scott, C. (1998). A three domain model of teacher and school executive career satisfaction. Journal of Educational Administration, 36(4), 362.

Dolton, P., & van der Klaauw, W. (1999). The turnover of teachers: A competing risks explanation. Review of Economics & Statistics, 81(3), 543-552.

Evans, V., & Johnson, D. (1990). The relationship of principals’ leadership behavior and teachers’ job satisfaction and job-related stress. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 17(1), 11.

Fox, J. E., & Certo, J. (1999). Recruiting and retaining teachers: A review of the literature. (ED-446-076). Richmond, VA: Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium.

Contains an annotated bibliography.

George, N., & George, M. (1995). To leave or to stay? An exploratory study of teachers of students with emotional and behavioral… Remedial & Special Education16(4), 227.

Given, B. K. (1997). How to deal with difficult principals: A learning styles approach. Clearing House, 70(5), 257-260.

Gonzales, E., & Short, P. M. (1996). The relationship of teacher empowerment and principal. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 23(3), 210-215.

Grissmer, D., & Kirby, S. N. (1997). Teacher turnover and teacher quality. Teachers College Record, 99(1), 45-56.

Healy, G. (1999). Structuring commitments in interrupted careers: Career breaks, commitment and the life cycle in teaching. Gender, Work & Organization, 6(4), 185-201.

Hope, W. C. (1999). Principals’ orientation and induction activities as factors in teacher retention. Clearing House, 73(1), 54-56.

Huberman, M. (1993). Burnout in teaching careers. European Education, 25(3), 47.

Hudson, S. P. (1996). Science teacher supply in the United States. School Science & Mathematics, 96(3), 133-140.

Hussar, W. J. (1999). Predicting the need for newly hired teachers in the United States to 2008-09. National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved December 16, 2006, from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs99/1999026.pdf

Ingersoll, R. M. (1997). Teacher turnover and teacher quality: The recurring myth of teacher shortages. Teachers College Record, 99(1), 41-44.

Ingersoll, R. M. (1998, June). The problem of out of field teaching. Phi Delta Kappan, 79(10), 773-776.

Ingersoll, R. M. (1999). The problem of underqualified teachers in American secondary schools. Educational Researcher, 28, 26–37.

Kane, P. R., & Orsini, A. (1999). Attracting and retaining teachers of color. Independent School, 59(1), 32.

Kirby, S. N., & Grissmer, D. W. (1993). Teacher attrition: Theory, evidence, and suggested policy options. Paper presented at the Seminar of the World Bank/Harvard Institute for International Development on Policies Affecting Learning Outcomes through Impacts on Teachers. Santa Monica, CA.

Authors distinguish between temporary and permanent attrition. One-third to one-fourth of those who leave in any given year eventually return to the profession. Presentation of human capital theory for explaining early attrition of teachers.

Littrell, P. C., Billingsley, B. S., & Cross, L. H. (1994, September). The effects of principal support on special and general educators’ stress, job satisfaction, school commitment, health, and intent to stay in teaching. Remedial and Special Education, 15(5), 297-310.

Marlow, L., Inman, D., & Betancourt-Smith, M. (1997). Beginning teachers: Are they still leaving the profession? Clearing House, 70(4), 211.

Miller, M. D., Brownell, M. T., & Smith, S. W. (1999). Factors that predict teachers staying in, leaving, or transferring from the special education classroom. Exceptional Children, 65(2), 201-218.

Mont, D., & Rees, D. I. (1996). The influence of classroom characteristics on high school teacher turnover. Economic Inquiry, 34(1), 152-167.

Murnane, R. J., & Olsen, R. J. (1990). The effects of salaries and opportunity costs on length of stay in teaching: Evidence from North Carolina. Journal of Human Resources, 20(1), 106-124.

Norton, M. S. (1999). Teacher retention: Reducing costly teacher turnover. Contemporary Education, 70(3), 52-55.

Pipho, C. (1998). A ‘real’ teacher shortage. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(3), 181.

Sanders, W. L., & Horn, S. P. (1998). Research findings from the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) database: Implications for evaluation and research. Journal of Personnel and Evaluation in Education, 12(3), 247-256. Retrieved January 31, 2011, from http://www.sas.com/govedu/edu/ed_eval.pdf

Teacher effectiveness is the “most important factor in the academic growth of students” (p. 3)

Scott Krei, M. (1998, March). Intensifying the barriers: The problem of inequitable teacher allocation in low-income urban schools. Urban Education, 33(1), 71-94.

Shen, J. (1997). Teacher retention and attrition in public schools: Evidence from SASS91. The Journal of Educational Research, 91(2), 81.

Stevenson, Z., Dantley, S. J., & Holcomb, Z. J. (1999). Factors influencing the retention of mathematics and science teachers in urban systemic initiative school districts: Administrative perspectives. The Journal of Negro Education, 68(3), 442-450.

Tice, T. (1991). Why teachers quit. Education Digest, 56(8), 37-38.

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Weston, S. (1997, September). Teacher shortage — Supply and demand. Technology Teacher, 57(1), 6-9.

Wisniewski, L., & Gargiulo, R. M. (1997, Fall). Occupational stress and burnout among special educators: A review of the literature. The Journal of Special Education, 31(3), 325-346.