2008 Articles
Administrative Services Credential. (2008). California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Retrieved October 19, 2008, from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/CREDS/admin-svcs.html
Alliance for Excellent Education. (2008). What keeps good teachers in the classroom? Understanding and reducing teacher turnover. Washington, DC: Author.
An issue brief providing an overview of costs, why teachers leave, which teachers leave, and are schools losing their best teachers? The brief ends with a look at induction programs.
American Association for Employment in Education. (2008). Educator supply and demand in the United States. Columbus, OH: Author.
Berry, B. (2008, June). Staffing high-needs schools: Insights from the nation’s best teachers. Phi Delta Kappan, 89(10), 766-771.
Boe, E. E., Cook, L. H., & Sunderland, R. J. (2008, Fall). Teacher turnover: Examining exit attrition, teaching area transfer, and school migration. Exceptional Children, 75(1), 7-31.
Boswell, S., & Crowe, E. (2008). Salary stipend targets recruitment, retention. ASHA Leader, 13(6), 4-7.
Hahs-Vaugh, D. L., & Scherff, L. (2008, Fall). Beginning English teacher attrition, mobility, and retention. Journal of Experimental Education, 77(1), 21-54.
Klein, A. (2008, June 4). Teacher-retention funding approved in Mississippi. Education Week, 27(39), 15.
Quartz, K. H., Thomas, A., Anderson, L., Masyn, K., Lyons, K. B., & Olsen, B. (2008). Careers in motion: A longitudinal retention study of role changing patterns among urban educators. Teachers College Record, 110(1), 218–250.
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2008). The Condition of Education 2008 (NCES 2008-031).