- John C. Eastman claimed attorney client privilege for documents dated January 4-7, 2021.
- A zoom court hearing occurred February 14, 2022 with Judge David Carter presiding in Santa Ana, California.
- January 6 Select Committee released a brief in opposition to the privilege assertions.
- According to the brief, “On January 2, 2021, the President and Plaintiff convened a video conference with hundreds of state legislators from swing states won by candidate Biden.”
- “Michigan Republican Co-Chair, Meshawn Maddock publicly stated, for example, that she “fought to seat the electors” because “the Trump campaign asked us to do that.”
- “For example, on January 4, 2021, President Trump and Plaintiff met with Vice President Pence and his staff … Plaintiff tried to persuade the Vice President to take action on the electors.”
Source: Brief Text