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Friday, July 26, 2024

Trump Lawyer Resigns One Day Before Trial To Begin

Joseph Tacopina has filed with the courts that he will not represent Donald J. Trump. The E. Jean Carroll civil case is schedule to begin Tuesday January 16,...

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Issues Order RE Postponement

On May 9, 2023, a jury found Donald J. Trump liable for sexual assault and defamation. The jury awarded Ms. Carroll $5 million in damages. Seven months ago,...

ASUS Announces 2023 Vivobook Classic Series

On April 7, 2023, ASUS introduced five new models in the 2023 Vivobook Classic series of laptops. The top laptops in the series use the 13th Gen Intel® Core™...


Do Teachers Know What Business They’re In?

You'd think the answer is obvious, just as movie theaters are in the movie business. Wrong. Theaters are in the popcorn and fast food business. That's where the profit is. Movies bring in the customers to buy these products. As with theaters, if you teach, you're not in the teaching or education business. You're in the learning business. From a students' view, they start...

Does Your Baby Read?

Does your baby read? With your Tablet PC? Robert C. Titzer, Ph.D., (from Indiana University) says his baby children read as do other babies who use his system of instruction. I haven't taken time to check out his research. (Yes, I know that some people consider this a scam. Others discuss its merits.) Dr. John W. Oller, Jr., co-author of "Milestones: Normal Speech...


This annual award will be presented to an outstanding young educator (under the age of 35) who demonstrates vision, innovation, action, and transformation using technology to improve teaching and learning. The work of the selected educator will reflect ISTE's mission and purpose and can be used to model best practices in the field. Nominations close March 15, 2010ISTE OUTSTANDING YOUNG EDUCATOR AWARD

Twitter Notes to PowerPoint

NESI teachers find Dave Johnson's suggested ways to use Twitter improves classroom PowerPoint presentations. They use: 1. The add-on PowerPoint Feedback Slides to insert student feedback clouds with a presentation. They configure it, so they can moderate feeds before they post. 2. The real-time PowerPoint Twitter Ticker Bar at the bottom of the slide to display the last 10 tweets that match the PP...

Why Teachers Might Fire Themselves

When management changes occur in schools and other organizations, such as at General Motors late last year, most people focus on the new CEO and his or her replacement. More significantly, however, are changes that take place during these changes. Ashkenas (2009) offers this observation about top organizational personnel changes: Unfortunately, the GM situation reflects the reality that most managers become enamored with their...

Retaining Teachers: Teacher Retention, Attrition, and Mobility Studies

LPH has an interesting site that offers empirical research studies about teacher retention, attrition, and mobility. "... in an average school year, approximately 1,000 teachers quit each school day and on an average school day an additional 1,000 teachers migrate from one school to another. On average, a third of the newly hired teachers leave during their first three years; almost half leave during...

Glory and Exhilaration of Genuine Effort

"Most people go through life without ever discovering the existnce of that whole field of endeavor which we describe as second wind. Whether mentally or physically occupied most people give up at the first appearance of exhaustion. Thus they never learn the glory and the exhilaration of genuine effort...." Katharine Graham, quoting from a letter she received from her mother, Agnes Meyer, said that...

AZ law changes way teachers contract with districts

Alex Bloom of the Arizona Republic summarizes legislative changes in the flexibility AZ school districts have with teacher contracts. Districts: 1. Do not have to honor seniority when they lay off or rehire teachers. 2. Do not have to honor the April 15 deadline for notifying teachers of contracts for the following academic year. 3. Can lower salaries for selected teachers. They are not...

NYC Tablet PC Users Increase Academic Performance

A guest post from HP: The HP Innovations in Education grant program has seen some impression improvements in learning following the use of Tablet PCs. Over the past six years, numerous New York City schools have received HP grants, including Steinway Intermediate School, a 2008-2009 grant recipient, which saw student grades increase 8.41 points year-over-year in its honors class following the use of HP...

Professors Teach Economics with Tablet PCs

Two University of the Pacific economics professors continue using Tablet PCs during lectures and assessment of students academic performance. I understand that they appreciate the ease with which they can store and retrieve lecture notes and presentations for classes. University of the Pacific

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