Implications of a Learners’ View (ALV) for Research

Implications of a Learners’ View (ALV) for Research

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.

Main Page: Implications of a Learners’ View (ALV) of Choices for Teaching and Learning

Theme: Clarify the validity, reliability, and uses of a learners’ view (ALV) of teaching and learning as social processes.


THE PRIMARY TASK FOR SCIENTISTS, from a learners’ view (ALV), is to examine the adequacy of ALV as a proof-of-concept that represents the minimum social processes of learning during teaching.

  1. Does ALV answer with experimental data the question that started development of a learners’ view, Tell me what people do to learn. What do they do first, second, etc.?
  2. Does learning occur in one-step as a social process, or is that description a function of something else?
  3. Do descriptions of ALV represent choices learners make while learning?
  4. Does the ALV Path represent the least number of choices learners make while learning?
  5. Do descriptions of instruction of lessons represent social actions of educators?
  6. Does ALV remain valid when analyzed statistically?

The secondary task is to identify elements missing in ALV of learning, but found in common in experimental behavioral and social research literature and practice of teaching-learning.

  1. Adjust ALV to include missing elements.

A third level of tasks examine the application of ALV by educators.

  1. When will educators use ALV to create from off-the-shelf procedures and operate a New Era School Initiative (NESI) program?
  2. Under which condition will educators use ALV routinely?
  3. When is the prospect of all learners learning all lessons taught appealing enough to educators to at least try to use ALV?
  4. What adjustments would be necessary to  conduct a 1.0 School (as in a New Era School Initiative) where all students are learners and all learners learn all lessons taught promptly?
  5. To what extent and when does 1.0 teaching alter life chances of learners?

NEW ERA SCHOOL INITIATIVE (NESI) style programs have been available for over 50 years. We call upon those who recognize this potential to also recognize and work to adjust public practices and policies that now deny learners the choice of attending NESI schools.

The heart of this request is the quest for the human dignity of people learning ways through educators to increase access to benefits they can earn that the most accomplished people have earned. The unequal distribution of these benefits is a reality.

Trying to eradicate inequality by changing school programs and curricula without changing instruction has been a disaster for most learners – it has reduced the possibility of additional life chances. By contrast, NESI with ALV starts school reform by teachers matching choices learners make while learning lessons.


  1. 1.0 Teacher
  2. 1.0 Lesson
  3. A Completed Teacher (ACT)
  4. A Learners’ View (ALV) in a Nutshell
  5. New Era School Initiative (NESI) Interviews and Conversations about Applying ALV
  6. School Reform

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Last Edited: March 23, 2015