Secrets to a New Era School Initiative (NESI)

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.

Main Article: New Era School Initiative (NESI)

Theme: Principles of operating a program where all learners learn all lessons.

IF YOU WANT ALL STUDENTS TO LEARN ALL LESSONS THAT THE MOST ACCOMPLISHED PEOPLE LEARNED, then consider insights observed from real educators in and out of schools who begin with a learners’ view (ALV) of teaching and learning. The New Era School Initiative (NESI) represents their efforts and accomplishments. NESI starts with procedures they used that now has the acronym ALV. These insights summarize experimental science facts which ALV represents plus observations of educators in and out of schools who used these facts in lessons that all learners learned.

NESI indicates changes in both the model of schooling and its technology in order to assure that all learners learn all lessons (ALLAL). NESI school administrators employ people willing to work as members of a team dedicated to ALLAL. The purpose for hiring rests on team members individually and together removing obstacles in school from learners learning lessons taught in school. Teams from administration to custodian contribute in specific, measurable ways to instruction that results in ALLAL.

1. Hire Self-Critical Educators and Support Staff: Self-criticism is a fundamental principle for selecting employees. NESI employees share with humility and self reflection with team members what they do that works and what they need to learn to change for ALLAL to occur.

2. Reinvent Teacher and Learner Experiences: People who analyze how their performance adds to changing the world by offering lessons that all learners learn as have the most accomplished people.

3. Correct Administrative and Instructional Operations Quickly: People who will change their actions rapidly data indicate appropriate.

4. Maintain a Bias for Action based Results:  People who contribute to a team with a bias for action that results in consistent improvement in the academic performance of all learners.

5. Exhibit an Evangelistic Zeal for Changing Schooling and Social Life: People who believe that they are changing the world by increasing life chances of every student.

6. Embrace Change: People who try to figure out ways to use data to improve increase learning of all learners even as outside changes impact the people and systems associated with NESI operations.


  1. A Learners’ View (ALV) of Learning
  2. A Learners’ View (ALV) not a Learner’s View
  3. Conversations and Interviews about ALV and NESI
  4. New Era School Initiative (NESI) Press Release

Related Reading

  1. 1.0 Teacher
  2. A Completed Teacher (ACT)
  3. Keynote to Learning as Oxygen of Social Life
  4. Rules of Teaching: Digest of a Learners’ View (ALV) of Learning

Drafted: August 26, 2015

Last Edited: March 3, 2017