ALV (a Learners’ View) Dialogues 2.0: Interviews and Conversations about Applying A Learners’ View

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.


Main Article: NARRATIVES about A Learners’ View

Last Edited: August 4, 2018

ALV DIALOGUES ADDRESS A NEW ERA SCHOOL INITIATIVE (NESI). This initiative accounts for real uses of ALV in lessons and uses of advancing electronic communication devices in PreK12 schools. Each technology applies experimental behavioral and social science research results.

Results of these studies show dramatic acceleration of amounts and increases in rates of student learning. By calculating rates of learning, it is possible to address how to pace learning in order to accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning. The power and reliability of these practices are demonstrated in the Press Release for the fictitious New Era School Initiative (NESI).

Reading ALV Dialogues is unusual. It may be more like reading a drama than reading descriptions of how real teachers accelerate, increase, and deepen learning in classrooms and workplaces for decades. There is little doubt that these dialogues will seem utopian when compared with the state of common practices in classrooms.

Normal (sometimes called Normsville) Unified School District in Normal (sometimes called Normsville), California and Landgrant (sometimes called Normal or Normsville) University in Normal, California are fictionalized locations of real enterprises that have and are accelerating the amount and increasing rates and depth of learning dramatically and promptly. Scientists have studied and reported these real efforts objectively and systematically.

  1. Interview 1 about accelerated learning with Dr. W.E. Doynit Dr. W.E. Doynit discusses how New Era School Initiative (NESI) increases student learning rates in order for students to complete K12 in six 180 day academic school years in existing schools.
  2. Interview 1 Part 2 with Dr. W.E. Doynit Discussion with Dr. W.E. Doynit continues.
  3. Interview 1 Part 3 with Dr. W.E. Doynit Discussion with Dr. W.E. Doynit continues.
  4. Interview 1 Part 4 with Dr. W.E. Doynit Discussion with Dr. W.E. Doynit continues.
  5. NESI Conversation 2 Doynit on School Reform Dr. W.E. Doynit discusses three essential principles of school reform: (1) instructional-failure-is-not-an-option, (2) use of a learners’ view to instruct, and (3) count something; as well as addresses teachers’ backgrounds.
  6. NESI Conversation 3 Calculating Learning Efficiency Dr. W.E. Doynit discusses calculating learning efficiency, learning analysts, learning generics and learning genomics.
  7. NESI Conversation 4 Doynit on Learning Risks Dr. W.E. Doynit describes how learning risks, instructional failure, and learning analysis frames affect management of accelerating learning.
  8. NESI Conversation 5 Learning Risks Dr. W.E. Doynit defines learning risks and a Decisive School as well as discusses how to accelerate learning dramatically; NESI purposes; risks of failure; Tablet PC uses; and The NESI Conjecture.
  9. NESI Conversation 6 School Reform rev. 2 Dr. W.E. Doynit describes changes in schooling that increase student learning rates promptly and dramatically with existing school budgets.
  10. NESI Conversation 7 Tablet PC Learning Research Dr. W.E. Doynit discusses school reform; purpose of the research program of learning with mobile PCs; research program progress; A Learning Efficiency Analysis Paradigm (aLEAP); learning efficiency; learning analyst; rationed learning.
  11. NESI Conversation 8 Teachers Teaching Dr. W.E. Doynit extends descriptions of how to accelerate learning dramatically by increasing learning efficiency rates with and without Tablet and other mobile PCs.
  12. NESI Conversation 9 Teachers Dr. W.E. Doynit extends descriptions of how to accelerate learning dramatically by increasing learning efficiency rates with and without Tablet and other mobile PCs; describes a case for NESI; and and discusses teacher unwillingness to accept NESI.
  13. NESI Conversation 10 Rationed Learning: … “Yes, but …” Report Revisited Dr. Bonnie Doowrite, Dr. I. T. Benn-Dunn, Ms. Donna Pahl (Wilkinson), and Dr. W. E. Doynit review the report Rationed Learning: A Conspiracy of ‘Yes, but … ‘ Doynit cited this report in the proposal to open the New Era School Initiative (NESI) charter school.
  14. NESI Conversation 11 Teachers’ Conflicts of Interest Ration Learning Dr. W.E. Doynit describes how teacher choices can result in conflicts of interest and other “schoolhouse corruption” that reduce student learning. It details use of the learning code as part of academic performance management with and without Tablet and other mobile PCs.
  15. NESI Conversation 12: Learning According to Learners An interview and demonstration lesson with Donna Pahl (Wilkinson) that describes and addresses questions of differences between how teachers and learners view learning.
  16. NESI Conversation 12 Part 2: Learning According to Learners Continuation of an interview and discussion of a demonstration lesson with Donna Pahl (Wilkinson) that distinguishes a learners’ view of learning from theories of cognition, neurology, etc.

Related Reading

  1. Frequently Asked Questions about ALV
  2. Behind Classic Education: A Learners’ View of Choices during Teaching and Learning 
  3. Technical-Scientific Literacy of Educators (TSLE)

Related Resources

  1. NESI TIPSheet 1: Learning Centered Lesson Plans Checklist
  2. NESI TIPSheet 1.1 Learning Centered Lesson Plans Checklist
  3. NESI TIPSheet 2: Checklist to Increase Learner Competence
  4. NESI TIPSheet 3:  Checklist to Avoid Mistakes in Requests to Authorize Tablet PCs in Schools
  5. NESI TIPSheet 4:  Educate the Top 100% of Students
  6. NESI TIPSheet 5: Ways to Increase Learner Competence