ALV (A Learners’ View) of Teaching-Learning in One Lesson Introduction

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen of Social life.

Last Edit: January 08, 2017 

A Learners’ View (ALV) is to Learning as Do-Re-Mi is to Music – each represents Simplified Operations of their Subjects.

Main Article: ALV (A Learners’ View) in One Lesson

Theme: ALV Path of Choices to Learning during Teaching

WHEN YOU LEARN something, you use a learners’ view (ALV). Learning consists of vocabulary, relationships among vocabulary, and arranging them to demonstrate when learning occurs. ALV gives priority to variations in senses learners likely choose to learn something. While learning, learners follow the ALV Path. The ALV Path provides ways to accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning promptly and sometimes dramatically with existing resources in and out of schools.

An understanding and use of this path during instruction of lessons is increasingly necessary for three reasons.

One, it is grounded in results from the most rigorous scientific experiments that describe learning.

Two, educators face overwhelming pressures for their students to learn more and learn it faster in order to address the massive increases in amounts of content to learn.

Three, the more learners face exposure to the masses of images, symbols, and gestures on the Internet and elsewhere, the more emphasis teachers must put on choices that solve problems as do the most accomplished people in society.


A learners’ view (ALV) rests on three broad assumptions. (1) Teaching-Learning occurs as rational social activity. This refers to patterns of social activity that you can observe and manage during instruction of lessons. (2) Teaching-Learning are expressions of the social institution of education, one of the interacting parts of a social system consisting of at least economics, families, polity, and religion. Education in this sense refers to its priority of assembling, analyzing, and conveying to less accomplished individuals what and how the most accomplished people do what they do. (3) Learning from teaching is a valuable activity for society and its members by saving trial-and-errors (thus, saving time and other nonrenewable resources) and their negative consequences. Leaning inducts individuals into dynamic systems of norms and morals that comprise society over time. Social systems refer to pluralities of interaction patterns among people who voluntarily take part in social life.

In a Nutshell

From a learners’ view (ALV), people learn with and without educators. Learners make choices through trial-and-errors that solve (connect two dots) one of five generic problems at a time. Teachers show learners choices for efficient ways to connect dots. These ways can accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning promptly and sometimes dramatically. Social life and social change rest on choices like the most accomplished people have made and do make.


A learners’ view (ALV) operationalizes learning as social processes (patterns of interactions) that educators and observers may sense and use intentionally. Society has given education the great commission to describe what the most accomplished people have done and to convey it to those who haven’t accomplished as much yet. No other social institution gives priority to this part of society.

ALV is grounded in science. The role of science in education is to describe learning (as does ALV); to measure the rate, amount, and depth of learning; and to identify the effects of these results in and on society. Educators can choose to use science with technology, and teaching to form lessons all learners learn and thereby contribute to society.  Science is the subject of procedures (operations), technology of capability, and teaching of combining these two with content to form and instruct lessons.


Simplify learning to operations (observable social processes), then extrapolate to implications of learning. A learners’ view (ALV) simplifies learning to common choices scientists report that people make while learning lessons of teachers. These choices form a finite number of social patterns common across individual differences of teachers, their lessons, and of learners. Lessons show learners how and when to make choices that solve one or more of five generic problems. Dots and lines can represent these choices and problems. When teachers choose to use ALV in lessons, they increase the chances that all learners will learn those lessons. This choice reduces the rationing of learning and the chances of negative social consequences for learners and society that go with failure-to-learn.

ALV Path

The ALV Path distinguishes learning as social processes. The heart of the path features ways that teachers use to match lessons with likely choices learners will make while learning those lessons. Learners likely make a finite set of predictable choices while learning. These choices serve as active ingredients of learning. Teachers match these choices during instruction of lessons that learners learn. Matching occurs in ways organized by principles of learning. Changes in use of vocabulary and logic by learners indicates how much learning occurred. On this path, learners choose to what to pay attention from all the things they see, hear, touch, feel, etc. around them. They also choose how to use those senses to learn something, that is to solve a problem. The terms solve a problem and problem solving are other ways of referring to one or more of five generic questions that learners answer while learning: What is it? What is it not? What is like it? What comes next? And What is missing? In these ways, choices make a place for teachers and learners in society. More

Patterns of Choices

Experimental scientists have studied choices people make while learning. These studies have given people choices of sights, sounds, etc. with which to solve problems in laboratories, schools, sheltered workshops, and homes. Scientists then used various methods to examine results for patterns, including patterns of choices that resulted in solving those problems. Other scientists examined the background of people in these studies and identified more patterns, for example of influences families have on choices learners make.

Lessons of Choices

Teachers have used results of these studies to compose lessons that feature patterns of choices learners likely make while learning lessons. With scientists, over a thousand teachers with over a million public school students in the United States participated in these studies. Their lessons accelerated, increased, and deepened (AIDed) learning promptly and sometimes dramatically more than students learned from lessons with other teachers. A second project, this time with a similar number of adults with developmental disabilities, found similar results in non-school settings.

Speak the Language Learners Use

When teachers use a learners’ view of choices in a lesson, they apply what may be called a language of learning (LANOL) to implement a Law of Teaching-Learning (LOTL). ALV, LANOL and LOTL represent what is common across studies of learning that teachers can manage during lessons. ALV and LANOL consist of an objective description of what teachers and others can observe learners doing while they learn. LOTL gives priority to descriptions of principles that unite teaching and learning, so that learning results.

Classic Education: A Learners’ View (ALV) of Choices during Teaching and Learning describes ALV and its uses for teachers. It is a tool to support teachers accelerate, increase, and deepen learning promptly. It features descriptions of choices and suggests ways for teachers to match learners’ choices in lessons that will likely AID learning sometimes dramatically.


Descriptions of a learners’ view (ALV) of learning will discomfort each reader for three reasons. One, ALV will likely omit at least one of each readers’ cherished personal beliefs, views, or practices about education and its place in social life. Two, ALV will likely at the same time evoke the comment, I know that, and I could say it more simply, if I chose to do so. Read More

Related Reading

  1. Abstract of Classic Education: A Learners’ View (ALV) of Choices during Teaching and Learning
  2. A Learners’ View (ALV) in One Lesson
  3. A Learners’ View (ALV) Defined
  4. A Learners’ View (ALV) of Choices
  5. A Learners’ View (ALV) Family of Choices
  6. A Learners’ View (ALV) Path
  7. Introductory Comment
  8. Language of Learning (LANOL)
  9. Law of Teaching-Learning (LOTL)
  10. Learning as Solving Five Generic Problems
  11. Who is a Teacher?

Related Resources

  1. Video Library of ALV Lessons