Choices of 1.0 Ancillary School Personnel

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.


Main Article: Describing a Learners’ View (ALV) choices

Theme: Ancillary school personnel choose assessments and other supports most likely to accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning promptly and sometimes dramatically.


1.0 ANCILIARY SCHOOL PERSONNEL CHOOSE to assess learners and to recommend to teachers ways to consider while instructing lessons so all students learn all lessons. Stated another way, these personnel choose the level of specialized technical support about learning that they will provide to teachers, so that all students will likely learn all lessons.

These services feature specialties upon which teachers rely in order to provide accurate and precise instruction that AIDs learning. To an undetermined but measurable amount, the accuracy and precision of support that ancillary school personnel choose influences amounts and rates of learning that result from instruction.

For example, based on observations and formal assessments, school psychomotrists formulate and submit recommendations to teachers of ingredients in lessons to which individual learners will likely respond first, second, etc. while learning. In a similar way, nurses note the influence various medications may have on response and learning rates of individuals and recommend remedies for teachers to consider during instruction.

Related Reading

  1. 1.0 Instruction
  2. 1.0 Teacher
  3. 1.0 School Administrator
  4. ALV Zone (ALVZ) System
  5. Performance Standard for Educators

Related Resources

  1. New Era School Initiative (NESI) Links to discussions about Teaching and Learning
  2. Rationed Learning, “Yes, but …”
  3. Technical-Scientific Literacy of Educators (TSLE)