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TechnologyWhat Is NewSeptember 2001

September 2001

September 26, 2001

Back By Popular Demand: YY Mini-Towers
With Intel’s release of new Pentium 4 motherboards designed in microATX form factor, we’ve had an increase in requests for the YY Mini-Towers we sold last year.

We are now offering two YY Mini-Tower Cases: YY-3401 and YY-3404.


2 – 5.25" exposed bays
1 – 3.5" floppy drive bay
1 – 3.5" internal drive bay (1" height)
Snap-on/off front bezel, wire free
U-shaped cover
Option: 300W ATX/ATX12V standard sized power supply

YY-3404 has mounting holes required by some Pentium 4 processor based motherboards.

New Intel Motherboard Requirements
Intel’s new motherboards supporting the Pentium 4 processor, socket 478-pin have different requirements from its socket 423-pin motherboard, D850GB(C/CAL) motherboard.

Requirements for BOXD850MD, BOXD850MDL, BOXD850MV, BOXD850MVL, BOXD845HV, BOXD845HVL, BOXD845WN, BOXD845WNL:

1. These motherboards DO NOT not require a modified chassis (e.g., with additional mounting holes).

2. ATX12V power supply with 12V processor current via a 2×2 pin connector. [Some system builders may choose to use SFX12V power supplies.]

3. Chassis with sufficient ventilation. [Exhaust chassis fan suggested, as well as front fan for cross ventilation.]

Requirements for D850GBC or D850GBCAL:

1. Modified chassis to include 4 mounting posts for processor retention mechanism

2. ATX12V power supply

3. Chassis with sufficient ventilation

Intel highly recommends that you use a power supply with 1.5 to 2.0 A on the +5Vsb line.

Allocation of Intel 845 chipset boards
The following Intel 845 chipset motherboards are allocated until October 1st. After the first, availability will open up and ESC will offer these products as part of our standard product line.


September 25, 2001

Intel Xeon reaches 2 GHz
Intel’s Press Release for the Intel Xeon.

September 24, 2001

New Kingston RDRAM Prices
ESC has new prices on some of Kingston’s RDRAM memory. For instance, 64MB non-ECC, PC800 Rambus modules are now $27.00 each. New prices also on 256MB and 512MB modules.

Remember, add RDRAM two modules at a time.

After Typhoon Nari, Lekima brings more rain to still recovering Taiwan.

Upcoming webvan Auction
Webvan’s upcoming public auction may be useful for companies trying to rebuild in New York City. Webvan’s auctions start Tuesday, October 9th. Not only are they auctioning standard office supplies, but thousands of PCs, notebooks, monitors, printers, copiers, fax machines, Cisco and Suns servers, hubs, routers, Nortel phone system, servalliance system, and more.

Visit webvansalse.com for details about the auction.

(Note: ESC is not involved with Great American Group or any part of Webvan. We just thought the items might be useful to those in need. Too bad US Bankruptcy court doesn’t just require the equipment to be donated.)

New Cooler Master Cases
Take a look at Cooler Master’s new ATC-110 and ATC-210 cases. These new models are now available at ESC. Both are made from aluminum, which acts as a heatsink and disperses heat.

ATC-110 Aluminum Midtower: $336.00

4 – 5.25" exposed bays
2 – 3.5" exposed bays
5 – 3.5" internal bays
Featuring aluminum door, which covers top 5.25" bays.

ATC-210 Aluminum Midtower$300.00

4 – 5.25" exposed bays
2 – 3.5" exposed bays
4 – 3.5" internal bays
Featuring color-tinted acrylic door, which covers full front of case.

ASUS T9 Comes With MP3 Player
The ASUS T9 Notebook PC models that ESC offers come with a MP3 Player. Apparently, some other companies are selling the MP3 player as a separate item. The models ESC has listed include the 64MB, removable MP3 player / voice recorder.

MP3 DJ Box:
– Detachable module box for MP3 play, voice record, and data storage
– Built-in Flash 64MB w/ Download/Upload through USB
– 6hr playback and 4.5hr recording with slim Li-Ion battery
– Audio DJ supported to play for 15hrs of MP3 music with power off
– Built-in microphone to support recording

September 23, 2001

Priority To Companies Rebuilding
Priority is given to orders for recovery efforts and companies rebuilding after damage from Sepetember 11th.

We offer our standard services of custom desktops, workstations, small servers, notebooks, and individual components. We are also extending to our ability to have computer components we do not usually offer for sale to be drop shipped to your business location (items such as printers, plotters, toner, pocket organizers, cables, etc.). If you don’t see an item listed that you need, just ask and we’ll do our best to find it for you. If we cannot fulfill your request, we may know of another company who may be able to assist.

Please call us to make arrangements. We recognize that communication with companies re-estabilishing at new locations is limited, so if you know of a company in need, please pass along that we will do what we can to assist in rebuilding.

Special delivery arrangements may need to be made for zip codes: 10048, 10080, 10280, 10281, 10282, 10283, 10284, 10285. UPS is offering pickup and delivery service to all other areas of New York City.

Step 1: Make a list of the manufacturer, product name / model number, and description. You will also need to provide delivery address information and billing information. Leasing may be available as an option. Step 2: Call ESC representatives at (800) 427-3726.

ESC will ask you for the product information, and can email, FAX, or return your call with prices on special order / special arrangement items.

September 19, 2001

AOpen OpenBook 1735 Notebook
AOpen entered the performance notebook market with their new OpenBook 1735. It will compete with ASUS’s new line of notebooks arriving this fall.

Check out the specs for the AOpen OpenBoox 1735.

ESC is considering offering this new product. Email us at [email protected] if you’re interested in having us add this new product.

September 18, 2001

Feature Comparison of ASUS Notebook PCs
Our product comparison charts are heavily visited by shoppers. Here is a new one comparing features of ASUS Notebook PCs.

See ASUS Notebook product comparison chart now.

September 17, 2001

It’s Okay, you can come out now
Gracie: All clear guys. You can come out from under the beds.
Albert: Just checking to see if anyone dropped food under here.
AJ: I was just comforting the old guy.
Gracie: Uh huh. Sure guys. It’s okay. We were all nervous but it’s safe. You can come out and play now.

We hope everyone was safe and healthy this weekend.

Emergency Efforts
We are extending special ordering of items required by those people and organizations aiding in emergency efforts in New York and Washington DC. Please call to make arrangements. We can have product drop shipped to you from East Coast warehouses for prompt delivery. These orders will be given priority over standard orders.

September 14, 2001

New ASUS Products To Be Released in October
ASUS has a set of new products ready for release in the United States around the first couple weeks of October. Yes, that is 2 to 3 weeks away.

ASUS A7V266 motherboard without audio, expected street price $155.00. This motherboard supports an AMD Duron or Athlon processor, operating at 200 MHz or 266 MHz FSB and DDR SDRAM.

ASUS P4B motherboard with audio, expected street price $165.00. This motherboard uses the i845 chipset, SDRAM memory, and Intel Socket 478-pin Pentium 4 processor. Board to be available next week.

ASUS B1 and B2 notebooks are expected a little later than these new motherboards. We do not have pricing on these new products yet.

Day of Rememberance
ESC Technologies joins those in remembering the many people whose lives have been touched by the events of September 11, 2001. Our thoughts and condolences are with our family, friends, and colleagues grieving over the loss of loved ones.

September 13, 2001

Delivery Schedules: UPS Update
From UPS.com

Most Delayed Packages to be Delivered by Friday

UPS said today it expected to run a "full up" air operation within the United States Thursday night and as a result, would deliver almost all of its backlog of Next Day Air� express packages by Friday morning. All other air packages will be delivered by early next week.

"UPS’s integrated air and ground network allows us to clear our system of any backlog rapidly and to provide our customers the best service possible in these trying times," said UPS Chairman and CEO Jim Kelly. "We’ve kept most of the air packages moving via our ground network the last two days so we have a good headstart. We’ll get most of our delayed express volume delivered Friday morning."

UPS’s announcement followed the issuance of an order Thursday morning by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta reopening the national air system. The company said it already had come into compliance with new security guidelines issued by the federal government.

"In addition, we have been assured by the various U.S. airports we use that they will be up and running tonight after complying with the FAA’s directives," said Kelly. "So we’re preparing for full operation. We’re also hopeful the FAA will clear the way for international flights soon."

Ever since Tuesday’s tragic terrorism attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., UPS’s ground network has operated in a near normal fashion even as it expanded to handle many of the express packages that typically would move by air.

Deliveries and pickups occurred on schedule, with the exception of portions of Manhattan and Washington, and ground and air packages kept moving through the integrated transportation network. Outside the United States, the company is operating close to normal within the various regions of the world.

UPS plans to reinstate its money-back guarantees once operations return to normal.

Wednesday night, UPS was allowed to move 11 jet freighters in preparation for a full-scale reopening of its air system. Another 25-to-30 jets will be moved this afternoon.

"Our thoughts and prayers remain with those people who were impacted by the tragic events in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania," Kelly concluded. "At the same time, we have been extremely proud of our employees’ efforts during these trying times in keeping the flow of commerce and critical supplies moving."

On disaster relief efforts, Kelly said UPS already is working with federal and national relief organizations as well as community leaders to coordinate the movement of supplies. Individuals interested in assisting should contact those organizations, such as the American Red Cross and United Way of America.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, UPS is the world’s largest express carrier and largest package delivery company, serving more than 200 countries and territories around the world.

American Express Delays
American Express is getting back on schedule with processing as quickly as possible. If you are purchasing from ESC with an American Express card, your order will be processed as soon as we can confirm your billing / delivery information with AMEX.

For information about other companies involved in the evacuations in the World Trade Center area, visit cnn.com.

September 12, 2001

Delivery Service Operations
Common carriers express their sadness over yesterday’s tragedies. They also are issuing statements about how their service has been and may continue to be delayed temporarily. If you have questions about a package, please be patient while system operations are adjusting. Air service has been suspended temporarily. Many common carriers are moving packages by truck today, however, packages did not move yesterday.

Delivery circumstances beyond our control may lead to delays in processing and receiving your orders. Order fullfillment of supporting emergency response teams, insurance providers, government offices, military and other organizations directly affected by the crisis will be given priority.

UPS Statement On Terrorism

"The UPS air operation was closed overnight. The company is prepared to resume operations once the nation’s air traffic control system is reactivated and its airplanes allowed to fly." —ups.com

Federal Express Statement

"All FedEx companies are operating as normally as possible given the circumstances. Due to the shutdown of the United States air traffic system, FedEx Express has been most affected. Our goal is to keep our customers� shipments moving and have secured additional trucking capacity as part of the all-trucking contingency plans for FedEx Express. It is likely that many FedEx Express shipments will be delayed a minimum of 24 to 48 hours, and the FedEx Express Money Back Guarantee will remain suspended until normal operations resume. " fedex.com

Mail Is Still Moving: Nation’s Postal Employees Are Delivering

"Mail continues to flow to its destinations and POST OFFICES throughout the country ARE OPEN to serve customers. The only exceptions are the portions of New York City most severely impacted by yesterday�s events."

"Since nationwide air transportation was suspended by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an expanded ground transportation network is moving mail. Once the FAA allows commercial flights to resume and carry mail, the Postal Service will use all existing means to keep the mail moving to the American people and businesses." — US Postal Service

Airborne Express Continues Operations Under Emergency Conditions

"Airborne Express will continue operations, including pickups and deliveries, in areas where the crisis has not precluded such activity. However, the current FAA shutdown of the national air network precludes the operation of Airborne’s fleet of aircraft within the United States until further notice. We are in continuing contact with the FAA as to the status of our flight operations for today’s pickups. "

"Due to the extraordinary nature of today’s developments, Airborne Express cannot assure service commitments until further notice. We will continue to provide our best efforts to get customers’ packages delivered within our available means." — Airborne.com

September 10, 2001

Creative Labs Audigy MP3+ Arrived
Last week we said "soon" and it finally arrived! We received a limited supply of the new Creative Labs Audigy MP3+ sound cards.

September 7, 2001

Creative Labs Audigy Products???
Yes, Creative Labs has new sound card products called the Audigy series. These products are "past due" at distributors, and are expected in yet this month. The Live! products are still backordered.

Intel Pentium 4 Motherboards 478-pin Now Available
ESC is now offering Intel brand Pentium 4 motherboards supporting 478-pin Pentium 4 processor.

Product descriptions and prices will be available online later today. Yes, you’ll even be able to order the new Pentium 4 processor 2 GHz speed.

September 6, 2001

ASUS P4T Shipment Expected
The next shipment of ASUS P4T motherboards is expected to arrive on Monday. With the last Intel Pentium 4 processor product change and August vacations at manufacturing facilities, demand increased and product supply decreased.

The new P4B motherboard, supporting socket 478-pin Pentium 4 processors, is expected to be available shortly too. We will have costs once the product is available.

Visit ASUS’s online showroom for Pentium 4 processor based motherboards now.

For those of you trying to figure out how to upgrade your older Celeron or Pentium III processor based system, check out the P4B motherboard. It uses PC100 or PC133 SDRAM memory, so you can keep your memory! Plus, the board has a power supply adapter for ATX12V support, so you can keep using your existing power supply too!

P4B Features:

Supports Intel Pentium 4 socket 478 processors
Intel Pentium 4 SDRAM chipset and ICH2 chipset
3 DIMMS slots for up to 3GB of PC100/PC133 SDRAM support
AC’97 audio
SPDIF out interface
6 PCI slots
1 CNR slot
1 AGP 4X slot
ATA-100/66/33 support
4 USB ports

T9 Series Notebooks Now Shipping
Later today, you will be able to order your new ASUS T94 notebook at escstore.com.

We will offer 3 parts initially:

T94 with Pentium III 1 GHz processor, CD-RW, 256MB of memory, 30GB hard drive, MP3 player, and Windows ME

T94 with Pentium III 1 GHz processor, DVD player, 256MB of memory, 30GB hard drive, MP3 player, and Windows ME

T94 with Pentium III 900 GHz processor, CD-Rom, 256MB of memory, 30GB hard drive, MP3 player, and Windows ME

The T9 series notebooks are Bluetooth ready.

September 5, 2001

YY-A101 Pentium 4 Processor Support
YY is expecting to release a power supply with Pentium 4 processor support for the YY-A101 in October or November. We will have more information once the product is available.

Lora is passionate about student access to technology and information, particularly 1:1 computing environments. Also, has strong interest in natural user input, user experience and interaction behavior patterns.

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