XenWord 3.0 is about ready to go to Gold. The release was prepared for today but three new bug reports were posted this morning. It took most of the day to straighten out the issues.
- BBCodes in XenForo replies
- Illegal offset in Multisite configurations
- Conversations & Alerts in WP Toolbar not set for non-Full Friendly URLs
The fix for the illegal offset involved simplifying code: one file was deprecated and the other was pushed to two main lines of code. The conversations bug was nothing more than old code not being updated to use canonical. Finally, the toughest bug involved BBCodes.
The secret was two lines of code:
[pastacode lang=”php” path_id=”4df734f69f705e2c5e6999407130b9f4″ file=”” highlight=”” lines=”” provider=”gist”/]
Two more bug fixes tonight in the author bio box.
Bug Fix: BBCode parsed in XenForo about for author box
Bug Fix: Conditional to turn off using XenForo about for author box
Two changes tonight.
The forum listing with the indentation is the most exciting. For several years, the approach was to attempt to use CSS. The CSS select option, though, cannot be adjusted by CSS reliably through cross browser CSS. Instead, I changed the PHP code tonight by inserting spacing with str_repeat.