The Origami Team blog at is retiring this month.
Today’s blog post announcing the termination of attributes the end of the site to all the growth in UMPCs.
“When we launched the Origami project about three years ago, we had only an inkling of how many changes the industry would see. Our vision for an Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) was one of many forces that has led to where we are today. The array of choices in affordable small PCs reminds us that this is still just the beginning in mobile computing.”
And they also acknowledge the many mobile computing sites now online:
“A number of excellent community sites and blogs have been launched about UMPCs, touch applications, and the rapidly changing small PCs.”
Given the state of the market, the question is: What to do? Close the blog is the answer:
“We realize that we cannot cover all current mobile computing topics in a single site, so we have decided that the time has come to retire this site. This will occur around the end of April.”
They mention though that Microsoft will continue to “invest in the technologies that enable small PCs.”
I wonder if ASUS will pick up the domain name because of their new wild foldable Origmai notebook.
I’ll post some thoughts on this a little bit later. For now, check out today’s JKOnTheRun’s MobileTechRoundup’s podcast aptly titled, “Rise of the UMPC.” Pretty good timing I’d say for this discussion.
A few years too late.
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