Wired provides the most realistic view of the Moto X, a gorgeous piece of hardware with plenty of promise. “But it isn’t the radical change Motorola has hinted at, not yet at least. It’s iterative; a waypoint on the path to undiscovered country, but not the promised land itself.”
The statement, it’s iterative, is very powerful and important for all consumers of smartphones. Hardware and software have made great advances over the past two years but there is a huge distance to travel before getting to the phone being a personal assistant and a device which does not command attention to operate.
Imagine a device which just works. Instead of having to tinker with a setup, learn a motion or swipe, or speak in an unnatural way – the phone simply takes care of a calendar, takes care of a photo, plays music on demand, or dials a family member or friend. Maybe this will happen – someday.