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StaffRobert HeinyAssociations and Organizations of and for Learners

Associations and Organizations of and for Learners


Glossary of Associations and Organizations of and for Learners

Classic Education at EduClassics.com gives priority to vocabulary that describes learning from a learners’ view. This view is useful for those trying to increase learning promptly and dramatically, with and without TouchScreen, Tablet and other mobile PCs in the 21st century.

This page includes descriptions of associations and organizations of and for learners; they give priority to increasing learning in and out of schools.

This page complements Terms that Describe Principles of Learning and their Uses; it gives priority to vocabulary of behavioral scientists and educators when they describe behavior patterns people use to learn and ways to use these descriptions to increase learning.

Together, the terms and names describe components of how learners learn to do what the most informed people of society do and will likely do.of a Glossary from a learners’ view.

[edit] Associations and other Organizations of and for Learners


<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/04/defining-direct-learning-2.html“>Direct Learning (DL)</a> (POC). Direct Learning software gives no more than three examples before someone can solve problems offered in a software program.

For example, <a href=”http://www.tabletpcpost.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownload&cid=6“>MathPractice</a> software format lets people solve problems without additional mediation by a person or by more examples or directions. Writing DL software requires the programmer to use straight-line logic to analyze the problem presentation process (image sequence), the content (astronomy, English, mathematics), and to blend these two analyses into a single step-by-step offer of a problem that allows a quick, correct answer.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/03/defining-direct-learning-for-tablet-pc.html“>DL software has three main dimensions</a> familiar to education developers: sensory context, presentation process, and content analysis as well as legacies (pedigree). Each of these dimension consists of enough operational details to mire a software development project in debates about data point assumptions and confidence. Yet, theoretically, managing these dimensions by using operational criteria from learning research will increase learning rates for a given educational software program. <a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/03/defining-direct-learning-for-tablet-pc.html“>http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/03/defining-direct-learning-for-tablet-pc.html</a>

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/03/tablet-pc-as-school-based-point-of.html“>Information supply chain </a>(POC). Passing an intangible information commodity (such as 1+1=2) along from one source to another as in a tangible business commodity supply chain.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/11/nearsourcing-of-information-and-mobile.html“>The transmission of ideas and processes from one generation to another</a> as through school curricula. I refer to this transmission as an information supply chain. Others set a higher standard by calling it a knowledge chain. Teachers and books have been a major part of these chains, with increasing value to users as they increasingly save learner’s time in mastering ideas and process of other people.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/04/defining-direct-learning-2.html“>Learning</a>. The learner meets criterion for successfully solving a problem or in other ways performing a task.

Learning analyst (POC). A specialist who estimates probabilities of learning and in other ways assesses instruction, software, and venues in terms of empirical research about learning and theories of learning.

Learning criterion (ER). The stated result expected in order to claim learning occurred.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/04/learning-efficiency-scale-poc-11.html“>Learning efficiency </a>(POC). Measures that indicate the extent to which instruction and learners’ attentions meet to yield a learning criterion quicker, easier, or with less effort when compared with other possible ways of reaching the same criterion (Heiny, 2007).

From a learner view, learning efficiency means spending less time, effort, and other personal resources acquiring a given set of information or skills. It also means gaining something of personal value in exchange for those resources.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/04/learning-efficiency-rating-of.html“>Learning efficiency rating (LER)</a> (POC). An informal system to rate student learning efficiency according to teacher instructional patterns. A learning efficiency rating score (LERS) indicates the level of confidence someone may have in an instruction to yield a learning criterion promptly, directly, and easily. Raters use the Learning Efficiency Scale (LES) to score instruction and then convert it into a rating.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/04/learning-efficiency-rating-of.html“>This rating is to teaching</a> what a financial credit rating score is to lending. Both indicate levels of confidence to have in someone’s future performance, based on past performance.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/04/learning-efficiency-scale-poc-11.html“>Learning efficiency scale (LES)</a> (POC). Measures of learning efficiency indicate the extent to which instruction and learners’ attentions meet. LES yields a measure of instructional competence, e.g., power or proficiency. It provides a framework for students and school observers to rank the relative capacity of school lessons and instructional material to yield intended student academic behavior.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/03/learning-efficiency-scale.html“>Learning efficiency Star Rating System (LESRS)</a> (POC). The number of stars assigned to an efficiency level symbolizes the instructional capacity to yield efficient learning.

          • Highly Efficient instruction receives a Five Star Rating,
        • Efficient instruction receives Four Stars,
      • Normally Efficient instruction receives Three Stars,
    • Less Efficient instruction receives Two Stars, and
  • Inert / Laissez-faire instruction receives One Star.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/10/forecasting-learning-with-mobile-pcs.html“>Learning forecasts </a>(POC). A statement of probability of a student or group meeting learning criterion. Forecasts range from general statements by such indexes as I.Q. scores, achiever-test results, and grade level assignments to technical estimates based on instructional processes.

It’s also a proposed online subscription service for teachers of online databased real time information indicating whether instructional technique A or B will likely yield the most efficient learning rate by individual students in a given lesson.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2005/03/education-software-content-hygiene.html“>Learning rates (LR)</a> (POC). I don’t think I’ve defined learning rates. Indirectly, I’ve said that the threshold question about education software seems apparent: What learning do you as the software designer intend from the use of your software? Specify, at least for yourself, an operational definition of what you mean by learning. For example, you might assert, “This software will increase a users correct responses from 4 out of every 10 tries to 9 out of 10 tries.”

Learner resources (POC). Time, energy, and personal tangibles as well as intangibles required to use prerequisite skills and information while meeting a learning criterion.

Learner view (POC). A view of instruction and its venue as seen by a learner.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/11/nearsourcing-of-information-and-mobile.html“>Nearsourcing </a>(POC). The fewer interventions, the nearer the original source the user selects. Nearsourcing of information acknowledges using insights of an information originator without considering interpretations others assign to those insights. It distinguishes sources closest to originals from farsourcing, or from what academics commonly call secondary, tertiary and other more removed sources.

Nearsourcing occurs when information users give priority to contents in information supply chains with fewer interventions between original sources and information a user selects to make a decision. It offers simplified information transmission from originators to learners and greater efficiency of collaboration of learners with originators of a bit of information.

Net learning (POC). A calculated or estimated difference between learning gained and learning limited by the learning venue or lesson.

One step learning (ER). Zeaman and House documented repeatedly in experimental laboratory studies of two choice visual discrimination tasks that human learning occurs in one step. Other activity of learners before learning is random (trial and error) behavior while searching for the relevant visual dimension to complete a task successfully.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/02/mobile-pcs-yield-emerging-open-learning.html“>Open learning paradigm (OLP)</a> (POC). A working descriptor of the commonly asserted access that mobile PCs allow anyone to learn anything, anytime, anywhere (Any; ATTW; A3TsW?) on demand.

Personal benefits (PB) (POC). Learner gains more than personal resources given in exchange for advancement, advantages, or profits. (Heiny, 1980).

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/06/quickstart-learning-with-and-without.html“>QuickStart Learning (QSL)</a> (POC). It refers to activities that provide a person with prompt changes in behavior. Some have called this eons old practice learning-by-doing. It is a generic category of immediate, efficient behavior change activities. QSL is to learning what instant gratification is to the learner. They define engaged learning. Once the person starts the activity, measurable learning occurs. QSLs increase a learner’s behavior repertoire efficiently, that’s one of their common attributes.

Time. The duration of an event, process, condition, etc., as with passing clock moments, trial blocks, beginning to end, start to finish, before and after, betwixt and between.

Trial and error learning (ER). Learner’s behavior before meeting before learning is random (trial and error) behavior while searching for the relevant dimension to complete a task successfully.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/01/venture-educators-using-mobile-pcs.html“>Venture educators (VE)</a> (POC). Like venture capitalists, venture educators take the small daily gambles, risking their careers as well as the learning rates of their students to test the utility of these tools in schools. Are to education as venture capitalists (VCs) are to business.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/02/vocabulary-venture-educators.html“>They take calculated risks to gain advantages for student learning rate</a> as VCs invest in clients. VEs don’t have formal schooling or professional preparation comparable to VCs. Dodge offers useful insights for VEs to consider. Many of the logic patterns he reviews, VCs learn in business school and through trial and error. Some patterns they adapt and create. Others they create on-the-fly.

When a VE fails, theoretically students might pay a price. But in practice, <a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2007/01/venture-educators-using-mobile-pcs.html“>the novelty of the VE’s efforts usually appears to help students more than regular curricula and instruction</a>. I don’t have objective data to support that hypothesis. Many observations in a wide variety of settings seem like a fair basis for this generalization until it’s tested empirically.

I’ll update this glossary, hopefully sooner than later. Let me know if you have Qs before then. I’d welcome your comments.

(Note: I edited these entries, so minor differences may exist between them and some original postings.)

Original Source: Glossary about Tablet PC Learning, posted 08-11-08 on Tablet PC Education Blog http://www.robertheiny.com/search/label/Vocabulary; Captured 12-4-08.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/07/association-of-public-school-learners.html“>Association of Public School Learners (APSL)</a> (POC). A proposed independent body of public school learners and alumni advocating for public school policies that promote competition with private schools for the best students to address global demands.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/07/national-association-for-public-schools.html“>National Association for Public School Learning (NAPSL)</a> (POC). A proposed independent body to advocate for public policies that make public school learning more competitive with private schools and with other efforts for students to meet global demands

Open Learning Study Group (OLSG) (POC). A proposed group of scientists and policy analysts who give priority to understanding the potential and implications of learning on-demand anytime, anywhere, about any topic by anyone for any reason.

<a href=”http://tabletpceducation.blogspot.com/2008/02/childrens-research-center-for-mobile.html“>Children’s Research Center for Mobile Learning (CRCML)</a> (POC). A proposed empirical research organization.

I’ll update this part of the glossary, hopefully sooner than later. Let me know if you have Qs before then. I welcome your comments.

(Note: I edited these entries, so minor differences may exist between them and some original postings.)

Original Source: Glossary about Tablet PC Learning, posted 08-11-08 on Tablet PC Education Blog http://www.robertheiny.com/search/label/Vocabulary; Captured 12-4-08.

Robert Heiny
Robert Heinyhttp://www.robertheiny.com
Robert W. Heiny, Ph.D. is a retired professor, social scientist, and business partner with previous academic appointments as a public school classroom teacher, senior faculty, or senior research member, and administrator. Appointments included at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Peabody College and the Kennedy Center now of Vanderbilt University; and Brandeis University. Dr. Heiny also served as Director of the Montana Center on Disabilities. His peer reviewed contributions to education include publication in The Encyclopedia of Education (1971), and in professional journals and conferences. He served s an expert reviewer of proposals to USOE, and on a team that wrote plans for 12 state-wide and multistate special education and preschools programs. He currently writes user guides for educators and learners as well as columns for TuxReports.com.

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