Ed Evans of wipte asks Tableteers and other Ink users in education to please mark your calendars for 2 important WIPTE dates!
June 16, 2008 – Proposals due
October 15-16, 2008 – WIPTE 2008 held at Purdue University
As in the past, they have calls for papers and posters.
This year, they’re adding a new genre for demonstrating the impact of pen based education through a Call for Videos.
You can find details for all 3 Calls for Proposals on the WIPTE website – http://www.purdue.edu/wipte.
WIPTE is a great opportunity to share in a scholarly way the impact (value) of pen-based technology on education. It’s also a great place to talk to colleagues and see how others are leveraging this technology.
Plan to attend in October. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the WIPTE committee via email at [email protected].