Chi N. Thai, University of Georgia offers a full pdf paper titled Tablet PC as e-Chalkboard within an Extended Classroom Environment. Thai presented this paper at the 2006 Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education.
The instructor used the Tablet PC to share, watch and control performance of each student PC on a one-on-one basis.
Students were separated by 350 miles as well as between the U.S. and Japan. The instructor use a Tablet PC to annotate PowerPoint slides and prepared text presentations as well as ad hoc hand written or drawn material during student reviews and consultations.
To reduce traffic, the instructor used the Totally Ordered Reliable Multicast (TORM) protocal proposed earlier by Shi, et al. (2002).
Of 32 students in the class, 24 agreed that Tablet PC were effective tools for presenting course materials and 21 agreed that use of Tablet PCs during review sessions helped them understand class material better.