Hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for schooling exist. Actually, probably more than that. Here are a few reminders of programs worth checking out. I’m sure you can find support for use in your emerging mobile PC school program.
ETA/Cuisenaire® wants to help transform your classroom with a Grand Prize package valued at over $10,000! Submission deadline: July 15, 2006.
SHOPA Kids in Need Foundation offers grants to support teachers of students in unique situations. SHOPA also helps with local fund raising projects.
The K-12 HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative is designed to support innovative and effective uses of technology in the classroom setting. Monitor the HP site for announcements and requests for proposals for the 2007-8 round of grants.
The “Grants for Higher Education” Index covers extensive government, private foundation, and corporate grants, which can be key in putting your institution at the forefront of new programs.
The competition for grants that support mobile PC technology in schools is growing. State your project objectives in measurable student learning increases and productivity efficiencies. Smart proposal writers will translate these outcomes into dollars saved for the school to deploy in specified other learning projects. This is a sensitive policy area, yet possible to do in politically acceptable ways.
Start preparing early for Requests For Proposals by reviewing what past awardees have submitted. Work with an experienced grant writer in preparing your documents.