Numerous math contests exist for students to demonstrate their math skills in competition formats. A Directory of Math Contests identifies national, regional, and local contests. Each contest has its own registration procedures and deadlines. Here’s a sample of contests.
The Math League has Math Contests for Grades 4 through 8, High School Students, and Algebra 1 students. Over 1 million students from the United States and Canada participate in Math League Contests each year.
The Mathematical Association of America offers a number of American Mathematics Compititions for grades 6 through 12.
The University of Waterloo offers a number of contests with March 30, 2006, as the next registration deadline.
The Department of Mathematics at the University of South Carolina hosts a mathematics competition for South Carolina high school students.
North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics conducts The North Carolina Staate High School Mathematics Contest with Qualifying Sites for the 2006 State Mathematics Contests.
The Art of Problem Solving forum offers insights into contestants’ ways of preparing for math contests.
Do homeschoolers enter these contests?
I wonder if contestants find Tablet PCs and similar ultra mobile devices useful in preparing for math contests.