The U.S. Department of Education offers the initiative Math Now: Advancing Math Education in Elementary and Middle School. Here’s some fodder they offer for your proposal to change math instruction in your classroom.
To compete in the global economy, you must know math…U.S. Students are currently performing below their international peers on math and science assessments:
Only 7% of 4th and 8th graders achieved an advanced level on the 2003 Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) test, compared to 38% of Singaporean 4th graders and 44% of Singaporean 8th graders. (Note: Singapore students use Tablet PCs! Yes they do.)
American 15-year-olds performed below the international average in mathematics literacy and problem solving.
Only 22 States and the District of Columbia require high school students to complete at least three years of math and three years of science.
There are more facts and references at this site for your proposal case.
As part of his American Competitiveness Initiative, President Bush is proposing $260 million for math programs that will focus on strengthening math education in the early grades and middle school so that students enter high school ready to take challenging coursework. Watch for requests for proposals, so your school can compete for Federal funds to upgrade math instruction.
In the mean time, have you considered using a Tablet PC for math instruction in your classroom? Yes, you may have to use your own Tablet, just as you sometimes use your own pencils and pens.