Do you have a New Year Resolution that you promise you’ll keep until next year?
The first day of the year is a great day to look at long and short term goals. Setting goals is a dynamic process and reviewing your progress is essential to completing the goals.
I keep a full page of long term goals printed and taped to my bathroom mirror. I started this about 10 years ago. The file is a simple MS-Word document and I update it every few months by using a strike through when something is done. I also add a revision date at the bottom of the document. After making changes, I printout a new copy and replace the old one.
Some of the ideas seemed far-fetched, for example, owning a home. The goal was way out of reach. Yet, I bought a home 7 years after typing that goal.
Some goals have been easy to complete, for example, finishing the reading of a particular book.
Some goals have never been near reality. I won’t give any examples because they are private.
In fact, making goals public can help you reach the goal. This site is a goal – which made my list 5 years ago. This goal has been helped by many people and it wasn’t until I made the goal public that friends started asking about the network’s progress. So – thank you for your help, your ideas, and your continued support.
What goals have you set? Are they 5 year goals, 10 year goals, or goals for today?