After watching students work with the website, a single page dedicated to posting to a forum seemed appropriate. Building this page has been a challenge.
BuddyPress forums (modified bbPress) were installed last year. Posting through the forum/index.php page has been possible, however, students dislike waiting for the “Ask a Question’ button to load. Many students start adding information into the form before the page is fully loaded. A single page dedicated to posting should make it easier.
A template (named question.php) with the following code was uploaded:
[code] <?php/*
Template Name: Question
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="bp-container">
<div class="padder">
<div id="new-topic-post">
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
<div class="info">
<p><h5>How To Ask A Great Question And Get It Answered</h5>
Maybe you are stuck on a homework problem or do not understand a particular concept. Don’t panic. is a great place to ask your questions.
First search to see if someone else has asked about the problem. Next, search <a href="/wiki/index.php/">The Chemistry Text</a> by reading the section on the topic.
If none of this helps, start a new topic by completing the form below.
Start with a great headline. Avoid saying, "I’m lost" or "how do I do problem 12?"
A great headline might be "Determining Significant Figures – Captured Zeros"
Next, type as much detail as possible, for example, add the exact wording of the problem you are trying to answer.
Finally, explain the problem <strong>and what you have tried</strong>.
The more details you add then the faster someone can help you.
Teachers are available at irregular intervals, therefore, make sure that you help others with their questions, too.</p>
<?php if ( bp_has_groups( ‘user_id=’ . bp_loggedin_user_id() . ‘&type=alphabetical&max=100&per_page=100’ ) ) : ?>
<form action="/tutoring" method="post" id="forum-topic-form" class="standard-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<?php do_action( ‘question_before’ ); ?>
<a name="post-new"></a>
<h5><?php _e( ‘Post a New Question:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></h5>
<label><?php _e( ‘Question:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="topic_title" id="topic_title" value="" />
<label><?php _e( ‘Content:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
<textarea name="topic_text" id="topic_text"></textarea>
<label><?php _e( ‘Tags (comma separated):’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="topic_tags" id="topic_tags" value="" />
<label><?php _e( ‘Choose the Best Forum:’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></label>
<select id="topic_group_id" name="topic_group_id">
<option value="">—-</option>
<?php while ( bp_groups() ) : bp_the_group(); ?>
<?php if ( bp_group_is_forum_enabled() && ‘public’ == bp_get_group_status() ) : ?>
<option value="<?php bp_group_id(); ?>"><?php bp_group_name(); ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</select><!– #topic_group_id –>
<br /><br />
<?php do_action( ‘question_after’ ); ?>
<br /><br />
<div class="bp-submit">
<input type="submit" name="submit_topic" id="submit" value="<?php _e( ‘Post Topic’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?>" />
<input type="button" name="submit_topic_cancel" id="submit_topic_cancel" value="<?php _e( ‘Cancel’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?>" />
<?php wp_nonce_field( ‘bp_forums_new_topic’ ); ?>
</form><!– #forum-topic-form –>
<?php else : ?>
<div id="message" class="info">
<p><?php printf( __( "You are not a member of any groups so you don’t have any group forums you can post in. To start posting, first find a group that matches the topic subject you’d like to start. If this group does not exist, why not <a href=’%s’>create a new group</a>? Once you have joined or created the group you can post your topic in that group’s forum.", ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_GROUPS_SLUG . ‘/create/’ ) ) ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<div id="message" class="info">
<p>You need to <a href="<?php echo site_url( ‘wp-login.php’ ) ?>">log in</a> <?php if ( bp_get_signup_allowed() ) : ?> or <?php printf( __( ‘ <a class="create-account" href="%s" title="Create an account">create an account</a>’, ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_REGISTER_SLUG . ‘/’ ) ) ?><?php endif; ?> to participate in the tutoring area.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
A page was created, choosing the template question, so that the form for posting loads. Here is the result:
Problems left to resolve:
The bb-attachments plugin does not load on this new page. To test, I’ve written a hook and function, placed these in different locations, and tried to figure out why the plugin will not load.
Let me know if you have any ideas!