Unit 5 includes Early Uses; Controlled Experimental Observations; Classroom and Training Settings; Assessments of Applied Learning Behavior Principles; The Instruction Cube: Paradigm to Analyze the Efficiency of Instruction (PAEI); Unit 5: Assessment.
EduClassics.com describes behavior patterns people use to learn and uses of these descriptions to increase contributions of Classic Education in the 21st Century. This page describes an application of those patterns to lesson planning and instruction. |
Generic Definition of Uses of Behavioral Principles of Learning in Instruction: Instruction, including in a classic as well as 21st Century education, consists of applying behavioral principles of learning in order for novices to manage efficiently the vocabulary and logic of social codes used by the most informed people in a society.
Unit 5 introduces how instructors have applied a view of learners in order to increase rates of learning in and out of schools. The view consists of behavioral principles of learning. This view permits observers to count and adjust frequencies of steps learners take to meet a prescribed behavior pattern.
Related Resources
- Engelmann, S. & Engelmann, T. (1964?). How to Give Your Child a Superior Mind.
Related Reading
- Gold, M. (19??). Did I Say That? Urbana, IL: Research Press.
- Heiny, R. (1979). Manpower Development Project Interim Report: Title XX Funded. Walton, MA: Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University.
- Lindsley, O. (19??). Prescriptive Teaching.