Baby Bird
So I have Windows Vista Home Premium and it seems to be that the more space I try to make the more space it takes up. I have done everything I could think of to fix it, but nothing seems to work. My C: is 29GB but I only have less than 100 MB left. I have no files big files on C:, all of it is on D:, which still has space. I noticed that my Windows folder is 20GB big. Is that normal? To fix this, I used what I know like disk defragmenter, disk clean up, cleaning temp, recycle bin, turning off hibernation and using my antivirus system to clean up space, but nothing seems to do the trick. I researched on google and looked for shadowcopies and system restore points to delete but I found none. So my question is-- is there anything I can do to get back some space? I believe that there is about 10GB of space missing. Thanks.