cabuckeye55 wrote:
> Could use some help here...can't find a download for IE8 for W7 on your
> website either...very frustrating...going MAC as soon as I can afford...
Blame the European Union if your European copy of Windows has IE8 omitted.
Ain't it wonderful to be under the dictatorial thumb of a world gov't? They
know what's good for you, yeah. You think Microsoft is not going to
retailitate for the EU levying fines against them?
"IE8 Missing from Windows 7 in Europe¡K Microsoft Forced to Take a New
Approach to the Release of its Newest Operating System"
I don't know if this ever came to pass because I don't have any European
versions of Windows 7 (and only have a trial version to test inside a
virtual machine).
Don't know if Microsoft got the ballot screen implement in the EU version of
Windows 7 by the time of its release. Windows 7 got released in Oct 2009
but this article for the proposed ballot choice of web browser is dated in
Nov 2009.