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Politicians are known for talking around an issue, never taking a stand, and attacking the opponent by defining their position in a negative manner.

During a round-table discussion today on Fox News, the subject was about Gay marriage. Instead, one individual used every Republican talking point to discuss the economy.

Talking points are fine - when they are relevant to the discussion. But now the Republicans have learned to just answer every question in terms of the day's talking points. Once countered then they pivot to another talking point. There is never a rational discussion of point-counterpoint. It's always shift, shift, shift.

Today on ABC News, Ms. Blackburn was to discuss Gay marriage. Instead, she talked about the economy. Interesting. She must have received the daily talking point. Barney Frank attempted to point out she wasn't answering the question but he was being too polite. The host was also lousy - he should have cut her off and replied "Answer the question."

This election will be defined by the talking points being repeated often. The surrogates will also be defined by not answering the questions and pivoting to the talking points.

Doesn't this annoy you?

Media Credit: DonkeyHotey
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