Sun blogger Alan Coopersmith has some suggestions for Tablet PC marketing:
“…if you wanted to spread the Tablet PC word, perhaps seeding some to a few people in the right places would do a world of good – for instance, if the writers for a show like Law & Order were sitting around their conference table pitching story ideas with a tablet PC in front of them, but not blocking their view of the other people at the table, how long before one ends up in front of the camera – after all, a courtroom would seem an ideal place for the tablet form factor – laying flat it won’t block the lawyers view of the courtroom, nor will it expose their notes as easily to the spectators sitting behind them. And if only a few of the millions of viewers pick up on it, maybe you won’t have to wait quite as long before you can post another note about selling a million Tablet PC’s…”
[Found via Scoble]Alan’s suggestion is a good one. Tablets need as much exposure as they can get and placing Tablets on TV shows, news programs, in front of influential Hollywood set designers, and so on is a worthwhile effort. There have already been some wins. Tablets have shown up in episodes of 24, the movie Collaterl, during the national election last fall, and a few more that I can’t recall right now.
You have to give ’em to someone who will use it. Microsoft gave one to our CEO and one to our CIO. Neither use a computer, at all.
Good point 🙂
I ran into an editor of a very large and popular magazine and he too had been given two Tablets–neither of which he ever used for more than a few minutes. The first one his son took. The second disappeared somewhere in the office.
Freebies sometimes work. Sometimes don’t. There’s probably a well-known process to it, but to me it’s an art to find critical people, such as Buzz Bruggeman of Active Words, and seeding them with a Tablet–or following his lead to the good leads.