Jim Vanides tackles defining and describing ongoing transformation of teaching and learning by state-of-the-art technologies in schools.
Think verbs, action. He describes three points, based on watching HP Teaching Leadership Grant REcipients.
1. Information is not Knowledge; distributing information is not teaching.
2. Educational Technology is NOT just a tool – we need a new analogy. … I think this well worn analogy is blocking our vision and creativity…Saying“educational technology is just a tool” is like saying “automobiles are just a form of transportation”. While true in some fashion, the statement sidesteps the enormous impact that automobiles have had on society, commerce, and our personal lives (for better or worse)…“educational technology is (more) like a work shop”
3. We need a framework for discussing what “transformation” looks like.
His ideas go further. Thanks, Jim, for sharing your ideas. They make initial sense. You’re creeping up on describing a newer vision of education than in conventional practice in schools and teacher prep programs. Good step. (Is an engineer allowed to philosophize and theorize about education? 🙂