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Cyberwar and Flame


Flight Director
Flight Instructor
The LA Times describes the 2010 cyber attack on Iran's nuclear centrifuges, taking out 1000 of 5000 uranium enrichment centrifuges. This same malwarw circulated escaped into the wild and caused issues around the world.

A new malware is even more devious - flame.

Flame, as it's called, can copy and steal data and audio files, turn on a computer microphone and record all the sounds nearby, take screen shots, read documents and emails, and capture passwords and logins.

The program can communicate with other computers in its vicinity through the infected computer's Bluetooth and locate them even without an Internet connection, Kamlyuk said.

Source: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-obama-cyberattck-iran-20120601,0,1357853.story