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A few Issues and Enhancements


Tween Bird
1. Author Alias as thread starters
  • I run a site where we public multiple articles for many guest authors. We would like the Author name (Author Alias) to be the author of the starting thread/post on the forum and not the post submitter's name.
2. Multiple Comments systems.
  • Many users with disqus don't want to have to register to post comments. Please make comments system coexist with disqus. LPH mentioned there's a plugin that puts these systems in tabs. Would be great to make that work with Xenword's commenting system.
3. No Redirection:
  • Need the ability to log on to Xenforo without redirection to Xenforo. It appears that's now working on front-end, but there's still a lot of redirection on the backend, where tThe login is still not very transparent. If someone is logging in from WordPress, I want then to remain in WordPress. No redirects. Better still, utilize a pop-up Ajax login system.
4. Map Specific Xenforo forums to specific Wordpress Categories. For instance, if my primary category in Wordpress is "Music", map this to "Music forum", Politics to Politics, etc

5. Single Login/Dashboard - Would be great to have a unified registration system that populates both Xenforo and WP field at the same time. Also a single dashboard for Xenforo and WP

6. [ISSUE] Author links not working properly in WP. The index.php part is missing.
7. [ISSUE] Toolbar links not working properly.
  • Links in WordPress Toolbar v1 not working properly. The "/" before index.php are missing in the links.


Dogs Times Writer
We would like the Author name (Author Alias) to be the author of the starting thread/post on the forum and not the post submitter's name.

If I'm understanding your post, this is already possible. Map the guest authors as contributors. Create a XenForo user group named WordPress Contributor. Check the box as a secondary user group for the person. Next, when they get to WordPress then they can submit an article and their name will be on it. Of course, the author name can be overridden by a WordPress editor or administrator.

LPH mentioned there's a plugin that puts these systems in tabs.

I know the plugin, and it's been abandoned.

The good news is he's working toward this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdiscuz/

Notice that signin is with Facebook, Google +, and Twitter accounts. It's also realtime. Before this works, though, the XenForo replies must be written to the WordPress comment table. It's vital so replies, etc can be done.

It appears that's now working on front-end, but there's still a lot of redirection on the backend

Can you provide an example so it can be verified? Thank you for letting us know !

4. Map Specific Xenforo forums to specific Wordpress Categories. For instance, if my primary category in Wordpress is "Music", map this to "Music forum", Politics to Politics, etc

So many larger sites didn't like this type of mapping and it was abandoned. Maybe for a future version - and that would totally depend upon people asking for it.

5. Single Login/Dashboard - Would be great to have a unified registration system that populates both Xenforo and WP field at the same time. Also a single dashboard for Xenforo and W

I've been wanting this for years. :D

[ISSUE] Author links not working properly in WP. The index.php part is missing.

There are now different settings for author redirects. You'll want to open a separate thread and add details for your settings to see if it is a bug. Looks like a permalink difference -- but @LPH will need to look at the code.

[ISSUE] Toolbar links not working properly.

Since you are stating the above links aren't working then I suspect you have a setting causing the issue. Make sure the board options URL and WordPress general settings are the same.

I really enjoyed your post. This is what will drive the plugin forward. Thank you for taking the time. @LPH is busy today with family matters. It looks like the same will be true tomorrow.

This is the changelog found in (on this site)

( 106 ) Alpha Release - March 29, 2016
Bug Fix: Display.php rewriting post_id meta
Bug Fix: Display.php added back merge
Added title tags in staff online, members online, a top posters widgets
Moved deprecated files

( 105 ) Alpha Release - March 26, 2016
New Staff Online widget and Top Posters widget
Added Master On / Off switch for Widgets
Added On / Off switch for a new author redirect to WordPress pages
Enhanced Members Online Widget; shows avatars and links to member profile
Conditional for comment_status added to thread creation: respects "Allow Comments" checkbox in post edit
Time / Date format on Featured Forum changed to relative time
Sort order on Featured Forum changed to last_post_date
Fixed spelling error and inconsistencies in xenword-init.php for XenWord Settings Panel
Removed Kint located under /tests directory
Removed avatars_code_version switch in XenWord Settings Panel
Bug Fix: SSL protocol in class-xenword-avatars.php


Dogs Times Writer
I have had disqus comments for years, so what I need is for disqus to co-exist with native WP/XF comments. I think the plugin was named "Comments Evolved". Would be great to have something that allows two comment systems to coexist.

WPDiscuz has a feature to enable four different comment systems in tabs. I played with it on this site for a bit. It's easy to setup.