Rob Bushway has posted a video review of the ultra-compact Fujitsu P1610 Tablet PC–or should we call it an Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC)? It’s amazingly powerful for its ultra-small size.
I had a chance to play with one at Mobile Connections and I most pleasantly surprised to see how well the new palm rejection feature worked. Even though the P1610 comes with a resistive touch digitizer on the display, I was able to rest the palm of my hand on the screen while writing. I did experience a little “vectoring”, when I placed my hand’s finger tips first on the screen, before writing. However, if I put my hand or the side of my hand down first, the digitizer worked flawlessly.
I also was impressed with how well it ran Vista. In fact, all of the Tablets and UMPCs they had on display did. I realized then that I was going to be able to upgrade me Tablets to Vista–that is, if I can get the drivers. 🙂