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Saturday, February 8, 2025

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Technology CompaniesAppleApple iPad brings unexpected joy to Twitter

Apple iPad brings unexpected joy to Twitter

I’m not much of a twitter fan. Until the other day, my Google buzz feed was sent into the land of twits but I rarely watched the twitter feed. People who used the @LPH quickly realized that I wasn’t seeing them – well – until lately. Yeah, until the other day, I wasn’t much of a twitter fan. I just couldn’t figure out how to use the service so that it wasn’t a waste of time. I couldn’t see “conversations” happening.

Well, that’s the past.

There has been one strange or unexpected benefit to my owning an iPad, I’m actually watching my twitter feed. Thanks to TweetDeck, I’m able to easily watch the feeds without taking up valuable screen space or having it just lamely sit in a browser tab. Actually, the tab is open more now because I’m getting more interested in the feed.

I realize that TweetDeck consumes the complete iPad, and I really do wish multitasking was possible on the iPad, but I haven’t tried Multitasking for iPad. It’s on my to-do list.

Another twitter service great for the iPad is Paper.li. It is a wonderful way to see a summary of the past 24 hours. I wish they updated more often.

What unexpected benefit have you found while owning an Apple iPad? Were you expecting to use it one way and have discovered something totally new?

Layne Heinyhttp://www.layneheiny.com
LPH is a high school physics teacher interested in the Apple iPad and iPhone, Microsoft Surface, Tablet PCs, and other mobile devices. He resides with one large dog who begs for pizza, hamburgers, French fries, and anything else on the dinner table.

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