Vasanth Dharmaraj is working on an ink-to-twitter app. Looking good. Rather than keep the post in ink, Vasanth converts the ink to text and then posts the resulting text.
You might ask, why not use the TIP (Tablet Input Panel)? Simple. Not all apps support the TIP, like my favorite twittering app, Snitter. Snitter is written using Adobe’s Air technology and although it provides cross-platform support, it doesn’t make for a great Tablet experience–the TIP doesn’t work (well, the TIP keyboard works, but when using ink my handwriting doesn’t get to the input field).
What we really need is Twitter to support content other than ink. Dave Winer has been one of the strongest advocates of this. I realize that non-text messages don’t fit the SMS model, but I think Twitter is so much more than that. There’s been talk of creating a more robust Twitter-like service–if so, this could be our opportunity to add support for ink.