I’m at SIGGRAPH today. Lots of cool technology–both on the graphics rendering side and on the sensing side.
It didn’t take long before I ran into another person with a Tablet PC. Maybe 5 minutes. I dropped by the Emerging Technologies exhibit area first where I spotted no less than four five Tablets out of about two dozen exhibits. The good Tablet showing is due in part I think to the fact that various universities were manning the exhibits. Yep. The Tablet PCs are doing well in schools.
The main exhibit hall floor has been a different matter. I brought my Tablet and the developer that came with me has his. That’s it so far.
There are large crowds around the Wacom booth, however. They are showing the new 23″ Wacom display. I watched a handful of artists step up and try their hands at drawing on the new displays using Alias Sketchbook 2.0. Everyone has been impressed.