If one Tablet is good, are ten Tablets better?
What would you even do with ten Tablets?
Or put another way, what would Tablets have to be like before using ten Tablets would even be practical?
Here are a couple things I see:
* The thinner the better. If you have a bunch of Tablets, quote often you’ll need to overlap them. If they’re thick and you stack them up–like scattered paper on a desk–the Tablets can wobble annoyingly as you write on them.
* Content location transparency is needed. As you work on content (or in applications) you want to be able to move or access data wherever it is trivially. A trusted, small “network” or Tablets may be in order.
* Battery life and performance aren’t as critical as communication and sharing.
Who are you, Spencer? What do you need 10 tablets for? 🙂
Maybe because they are cheaper by the dozen? 🙂
Well according to JK just having the name of Ian seems to get you a Motion TPC !