In a review of the book: “The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Brining Innovations to Market in a Connected World” by Bhaskar Chakravorti, there are some interesting tidbits on e-Books.
What caught my attention was the reviewer’s final comments on e-Books and Tablets:
“In case you are wondering if e-books have fallen by the way side – apparently not! Now technology research firms say that the dominant device will be the Tablet PC and after 2006 e-book demand will drive the sales of Tablet PCs. And there is new technology already in play, with new shepherds – Sony and Philips. Sony’s digital e-book reader LIBRI
They sold this story BEFORE the Tablet even launched (whole reason I even cared about things Tablet), and now we are told the promised land is 2+ extra years away, this after nearly 3 years in with nary a peep? Any emphasis/marketing and ISVs per eBook functionality could but only help, but where is that? Nowhere. I don’t buy it, all another song and dance, I would welcome it, but as they say in Missouri show me. And a new more-reference indexing friendly version of MS Reader might be the first step, but that team was gutted.