Larry O’Brien’s looking for link from Scoble for his C# program written for the Tablet PC that lets you program in Python. Eh, this isn’t Scoble, but here’s a link.
Larry has a short screencapture movie that shows the evaluation of a handwritten “2+2”. Actually, what it shows is how difficult it is to handwrite a programmatic expression in the TIP because there isn’t any way to give hints to the recognizer. This alone is a great project for someone. The TIP context rules aren’t powerful enough to pull this off in the general case, but maybe someone can think of a clever trick. Otherwise, it looks like you’ll have to reinvent the TIP. This is one case where open source would be nice…or the community developer program I mentioned yesterday.
Darn, I was hoping that no one would notice that it takes me 1:23 to write “eval(io.Ink.Strokes.ToString())”!
What I’ve advocated to Microsoft is simply that the TIP factoid be settable via a delegate. I can’t understand how that would be difficult to implement and it would be a good starting place.
On the other hand, one of the things that I realized writing Pynk is that it wouldn’t actually solve the problem shown here, where what I really need is virtually character-by-character biasing of the recognizer.