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Friday, February 14, 2025

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StaffIncremental BloggerNew Era School Initiative (NESI) Interim Report Summary 1

New Era School Initiative (NESI) Interim Report Summary 1

Readers have asked for me to summarize in bullet format main points made in conversations and an interview with Dr. W.E. Doynit about his New Era School Initiative.

These comments reflect topics and styles of discussions I have heard among behavioral and social scientists and educators.

This conversation will continue to evolve in order to describe ways many teachers think and want to act in order to maximize learning through their lessons and presence.

When reading this report and these conversations, assume that each point has one or more scientific literature reference(s).

Let me know if it would help you to have links to posts for bulleted points.
Here goes a draft interim report summary:


• The fictitious New Era School Initiative (NESI) of Normsville (California) Unified School District serves as a charter school (NESI-CS) platform for assembling and testing ways to use existing behavioral and social scientific data and protocols to accelerate learning dramatically.

• Accelerated learning occurs by increasing learning efficiency and reducing learning losses.

• Use of Tablet and other mobile PCs appears to accelerate learning further than conventional academic procedures.

• Descriptions of heuristics, protocols, procedures, etc. exist in published and unpublished peer reviewed behavior and social science literature.

• Electronic communication tools exist for commercial purchase off-the-shelf or in ramping-up processes for release.


• Individuals “learn.”

• Learning occurs as a technical, repeatable, measurable process.

• Observers can only use sensory data to identify and measure “learning.”

• In that sense, learning occurs by individuals as social acts of adopting behavior patterns others observe and recognize, not necessarily as cognition, motive, development, or other non-observable inferences commonly used to organize conventional schooling.

• Learners (Adopters) increase or decrease their rate of learning according to how their immediate learning venue addresses two generic questions: “What do I have to do now?” And, “What will it cost me?”

• All learners can adopt expected academic behavior patterns at accelerated rates to complete high school requirements.

Intellectual Infrastructure

• NESI – CS illustrates the use of an intellectual infrastructure of a decisive school operating with existing public school authorizations, resources, etc., but distributed differently among learners and their supporters.

• NESI – CS educators give priority to Applied Learning Behavior Analysis (ALBA), an adaptation of applied behavior analysis practices, patterns, and results.

• Incomplete descriptions of A Learning Efficiency Analysis Paradigm (ALEAP) introduce and indicate an organization learning behavior principles and patterns into a decision tree teachers and education software developers use to plan and offer lessons likely to increase learning rates.

• Use of Tablet, TouchScreen, NetBooks, Minis, and other mobile PCs provides ways to capture and convert learning transactions into databases to calculate, analyze, and report learning rates for real time review by teachers and learning analysts.


• NESI – CS students complete academic assignments in six regular academic years at or above state minimum academic requirements for K12 grades.

• NESI – CS teachers and administrators arrange with higher education institutions for students to enter advanced studies programs directly from high school graduation.

• NESI – CS parents accept their child’s rapid academic and intellectual advancements.

• NESI – CS students earned higher standardized test results than students attending conventional public and private schools.

• NUSD Board of Education estimates that it spent one-third to one-half less on NESI – CS than on conventional schooling practices.

• NUSD administrators calculate learning costs by time, learning transaction, class, etc. in order to monitor variations of resources used for students to learn “A” (that represents any academic outcome).

Accelerated Mobile Learning Development Roadmap

• Children’s Research Center for Mobile Learning

• Research Agenda

• Other parts in process.

Update Glossary

• In process.

References (All written by me. Review links in each of these references for a fuller view.)

Accelerated K12 Mobile Learning: Press Release

Accelerated Learning Interview

Accelerated Learning Interview Part 2

Accelerated Learning Interview Part 3

Accelerated Learning Interview Part 4

Calculating Learning Efficiency at NESI

Children’s Research Center for Mobile Learning

Decisive Schools

Decisive Schools 2010: Q & A Notes

Glossary about Tablet PC Learning

Learning Efficiency Scale, POC 1.1

Learning Efficiency Rating of Instruction

Learning with Tablet PCs Research Agenda: From Facts to Pragmatics

Learning with Tablet PCs Research FAQs 4.1.1

Mobile PCs Yield An Emerging Open Learning Paradigm

Research Results from Center on Mobile Learning

Tablet PC Learning Research Agenda 4 – Learner Views

Tablet PC Schools: A Checklist of Successes – Part One

Tablet PCs to Manage Learning Life Cycles

Robert Heiny
Robert Heinyhttp://www.robertheiny.com
Robert W. Heiny, Ph.D. is a retired professor, social scientist, and business partner with previous academic appointments as a public school classroom teacher, senior faculty, or senior research member, and administrator. Appointments included at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Peabody College and the Kennedy Center now of Vanderbilt University; and Brandeis University. Dr. Heiny also served as Director of the Montana Center on Disabilities. His peer reviewed contributions to education include publication in The Encyclopedia of Education (1971), and in professional journals and conferences. He served s an expert reviewer of proposals to USOE, and on a team that wrote plans for 12 state-wide and multistate special education and preschools programs. He currently writes user guides for educators and learners as well as columns for TuxReports.com.

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