The Microsoft Student Experience, now out of beta, has tutorials showing how to get things done plus content students will find helpful for studies, student life and personal future.
Check it out. It’s an easy resource for higher ed bound and matriculated students. Browse and read the site, and then check back later for updates.
Find templates for writing bibliographies, letters, resume or curriculum vita. Capture audio, video, and text to supplement your notes with One-Note. Use organization tools to keep track of finances, accomplishemnts, and grades.
Monitor the staff updated blog and product discounts. Sign up for the MSE newsletter with how-tos and templates and other MS updates of likely interest to student users.
Prasid, Microsoft manager for the Microsoft Student Partners (MSP) Program posted on the blog yesterday about using his Zune. He explains why he has learned over a year of using it everyday that it is more than just-another-media-player. He takes the Zune Social with him, and appreciates the MS updates whenever a new Zune is released, making his older device do the same things new ones do. Just another MS self-promotion? You can see it that way. I appreciate his description of how he uses his Zune.
Microsoft Student Partners has 1445 members of the sdharpest minds in 103 countries. Leave an email if you want to stay informed of future opportunities.