Meg Stewart of Vassar College sent these great student produced video clips of Tablet PCs in education. Each shows students and faculty members using Tablets in the “classroom.” One focuses on individual classes using tablets.
Here’s their Vimeo site
This is their YouTube site
HP awarded a grant to the college to help fund the project. Jim Vanides, Program Manager – Worldwide Higher Education Philanthropy, Hewlett-Packard says, “Meg is the PI for a 2004 HP Technology for Teaching grant received by Vassar. The project, Mobile Mapping Using Tablet PCs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Field-based College Courses, is a great example of field data collection using GPS, GIS, and Tablet PCs.”
Thanks, Meg, for another your series of illustrations about Tablets in schools.
Your team deserves Five Stars for initiative and innovation! I like your Glass is Half Full attitude.
Check out Meg Stewart’s blog and let her know of how her project could increase learning for your students.