David Harris, President and CEO of The Mind Trust reports that applications are in for the second cohort of Education Entrepreneur Fellows.
The response was strong: 342 people applied for the Fellowship representing 37 states, Canada , China , Lithuania , Nigeria and the United Kingdom .
Of the applicants, 270 have or are working toward an advanced degree, including 75 PhDs, 50 MBAs, 169 Masters, and 18 JDs.
Applicants also represent some of the nation’s best schools including all eight Ivy League institutions, Stanford, Northwestern, Spelman, Duke, UC Berkeley, Howard, Emory, UCLA, Notre Dame, Michigan, Georgetown, Texas, MIT, and Rose-Hulman.
As impressive is the caliber of applicants, which include:
– past employees of Apple, NASA, the CIA, and the Peace Corps;
– alumni of Teach For America and Education Pioneers;
– participants in the Broad Residency in Urban Education;
– winners of the President’s Service Award and the Fulbright Scholarship;
– funding recipients and former employees of Ashoka, the Skoll Foundation, and Echoing Green, – three of the leading social entrepreneurship organizations in the world;
– a recent graduate of one of the nation’s leading business schools who won a prestigious business plan competition for the idea being proposed for the Fellowship; and
– a recipient of Fast Company’s Social Capitalist Award, which recognizes outstanding organizations and leaders in the social entrepreneurship sector.
The Mind Trust’s Education Entrepreneur Fellowship offers promising education entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop and launch their break-the-mold education ventures.
To receive a Fellowship, an applicant must present a compelling plan with the potential to transform public education, and demonstrate the capability to carry it out. The Mind Trust will provide two years of salary ($90,000/year), benefits, and customized training so fellows have the support necessary to develop, build, and launch their initiatives in underserved communities.
The Mind Trust will select fellows from this impressive pool through a rigorous process that includes telephone interviews, in-person interviews, review of applications by national experts, and a final presentation before the Fellowship Selection Committee.
Names of Fellows will be announced in early December.
I hope at least one Fellow will also be a Tableteer!
Kudos, Applicants, whoever your are and best wishes from the Tablet PC community for a productive and insightful two years. Future students will appreciate your efforts which ultimately affect their learning.
Sounds exciting and the possibilities could (should) be endless. I have favorited the Mind Trust page and your blog and hope to follow the progress. Thanks for the post.
I agree, Travis, it sounds like a great program. Hope you find it a useful stimulator. For those who do not know, Travis is a thoughtful author on the team of writers at Stories from Schools – Practice Meets Policies http://www.storiesfromschool.org/ I find this site offers something to learn more frequently than not. Check it out. When you want to know what some teachers think about a topic, ask these writers. They respond politely.