Maybe you saw Ethan Bortnick, the 6 year old pianist, on Jay Leno last night. It was Ethan’s second appearance. If you missed him, check out his website and enjoy his performance of Bach, Mozart, Joplin, and a wide range of other artists. Many of us appreciate such talent for its own sake, irrespective of its entertainment utility.
Learning of Ethan brings back memories of stories from and about other young talents. One that immediately came to mind was of a 5 year old who could read four languages, handle advanced math calculations, find unknowns, handle basic science constructs, etc. His kindergarten teacher wanted him to wait another year “to mature” for school. “He just sits in circle.” When asked why, he said, “I’m waiting for school to start!” The principal put him promptly into 1st grade. Second probably would have been more appropriate for his academic skill development rate.
When I mentioned Ethan to someone, that person mentioned seeing a 13 month old that reads featured recently on a TV magazine. Isn’t it great, Teachers, to learn of these talented youth?
I wonder how they will respond to schools, and if anyone has worked with him with a Tablet PC. It seems like mobile PCs would allow him access to more music and other skills of interest to him.
Keep up the good work, Ethan! I hope this post helps expand your fan base.