The best education for the best is the best education for all.
Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899 – 1977)
Note: Sorry I don’t remember the primary source of this. I used M.J. Adler, The Paideia Proposal, p. 6 (1982) as the secondary source. I did not take the time to track down the original source.
I think this quote should be remembered by every educator, be framed and on the wall of every school administrator’s office, and on the desk in bronze of every elected and appointed educator in government.
While Hutchins’ affirmation leaves room open for debate about “best” and “education,” probably all educators understands the sentiment behind these words.
It’s what each of us see in our minds eye as what we want to offer each student we encounter in and out of school.
Yea, The Best!