This one’s for curious minds, teachers. PBS replayed August 22, 2006, the one hour interview by Charlie Rose of JAMES WATSON and EDWARD O. WILSON about CHARLES DARWIN.
It’s a great interview. Teachers and students can benefit from time reviewing this program.
One exchange I’d forgotten from my first listening: people must start their search for profound insight early in life, or they will not likely contribute it to others. One said to start by age 9 years. The other said at least by age 15. Wow!
That’s a glimpse into their experiences. Turn on your mobile PC and link up before something interrupts you again.
While not everyone might want to hear or agree with the content of what these scientests say, probably most people will learn at least one thing. What more can you expect for that same time?
It’s like attending a top drawer seminar for curious minds and worth the cost.