The National Library of Virtual Mathematics, Utah State University, offers a cache of Pre-K through 12th grade virtual manipulatives.
Learning and understanding mathematics, at every level, requires student engagement. Mathematics is not, as has been said, a spectator sport. … The NLVM is a resource from which teachers may freely draw to enrich their mathematics classrooms.
This looks like a great source for teachers and students using mobile PCs.
I am from an online education company . In our business – online tutoring over the internet – communication ease is critical and the user interface is what makes or breaks us. Tablet PCs have been a boon to us so much so that I, and I am quite traditional, find it impossible to get along without one even outside of a tutoring environment.
Thanks, Elaine, for your comments. Sorry for the delay in accepting your post. I’ve been traveling. Plan to spend more time attending to the website this week. I too appreciate using my Tablet PC for tutoring. It’s great to see teachers in businesses. Best wishes with your business!