Charlie Rose exceeded his usual excellent interviews on Monday June 26, 2006. He drew out an interesting vision of human potential of results oriented business people during his questions of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.
Teachers will find the interview worth reviewing in order to understand how three entrepreneurs think. Students willing to risk using their intellect to complete tasks others find too difficult to accomplish will find that they too can obtain results by using similar thinking.
Set aside for a moment the gigantic lump of privates funds these people amassed. Even more important, they offer glimpses of their results oriented thinking processes. They describe how they think about a problem and how they go about solving that problem with whatever resources they have.
I’ve worked with many philanthropists, missionaries, scholars and entrepreneurs. Few of them have demonstrated so clear a link between personal enterprise and results oriented humane support of other people.
Kudos to Charlie for an instructive episode. And thank you, Gates and Buffett families, for your willingness to share your insights and resources to the direct personal benefit of so many people.