Is Vista availability delaying your next computer purchase?
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Personally, I’m moving full speed ahead. In a tech business–especially a small software company–you have to. Maybe I won’t purchase a low-end system right now if I’m concerned that it might not run Vista well, but if I’m purchasing current generation hardware, I’m comfortable that’ll it’ll be Vista friendly.
Actually, I’m already spending more in anticipation of Vista. Maybe that’s because I’m a developer and I have to plan ahead. But recently I’ve been purchasing systems and peripherals (spare hard drives, for instance) with Vista in mind.
Now what types of things am I postponing? I have a new system and it could use a copy of Office, but have I gone out and purchased a copy to install on it? Not yet. I’m waiting for Office 2007. Yeah, I’m cheap–OneNote (which came with it) will have to do. 🙂