Dean Shareski has sparked a thoughtful discussion about use of electronics in schools to learn and tell new stories about new world views. He invites more participants in the discussion.
I’m looking to create and tell the new story. The new story about how learning happens, how technology changes the nature of teaching and learning. I’m looking and I have a few potential stories but too often I’m finding old stories.
He’s moving along the grand experiment of electronic schooling.
The discussion reminds me of earlier chatter as educators discovered new technologies of felt boards, kato (or is it cato?) markers and tagboard, then the phenominal introduction of colored chalk on green (not “traditional” black) boards. That’s good.
Let’s keep telling our new stories. He’s on a useful track for him, and probably for others too.
Others will tell their stories in their own ways. Maybe they think their stories are new and others don’t think so. That’s good.
Wouldn’t it be dull if everyone was on the same page of the same story at the same time, always?