Brian Pomrenke (Program Manager, Global Training—Public Sector, Gateway) offered insightful comments about uses he has observed in schools that use Tablet PCs appropriately.
He and Terri Schurter offer useful points to review when preparing a presentation to other teachers about uses of Tablet PCs in schools.
Brian, as Terri, seems a realist. His observations appear consistent with educators’ efforts to encourage student learning.
Their comments offer worthy contrasts to my question: When will advanced technologies such as Tablet PCs replace some teachers.
That is, given their points, I wonder, when will administrators increase class sizes because comparable learning rates can occur in larger classes by augmenting teacher-present-instruction with mobile hardware and learning specific software for students?
Thanks, people, for your thoughtful comments.
Oh sure, now they post it! Right after I had to make one of my own. Thanks for the link, I can still use insight like this.